Hrastić, Anamarija (2019) Usporedba korisničkog iskustva aplikacija prilagođenih za različite operativne sustave. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].
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U današnje vrijeme postoji mnogo dizajnerskih pristupa i standarda koji se koriste kod izrade aplikacija i ovise prvenstveno o platformi na kojoj se ona prikazuje. Kod izrade mobilnih aplikacija trenutno su najčešće korišteni flat i material dizajn. Korisnici najčešće koriste ili Android ili Apple uređaj ovisno o svojim preferencijama i ne obraćaju pažnju da s promjenom operativnog sustava dolazi i do promjene izgleda aplikacije i samim time i do drugačijeg korisničkog iskustva. U radu je cilj prikazati koje su razlike između flat dizajna i material dizajna i koliki je njihov utjecaj na korisničko iskustvo. Google je prije nekoliko godina krenuo koristiti material dizajn i on je postao standard za izradu Android aplikacija. Material dizajn je nadograđena verzija flat dizajna koja se fokusira na detaljima poput animacija, sjena i slojeva. Flat dizajn je korišten od strane Applea i na drugu stranu ne stvara dojam više dimenzija već se dobije osjećaj kao da objekti “leže” na jednoj površini. Kod flat dizajna nema sjena, gradijenata, tekstura i sl. nego se sve temelji na kombiniranju fontova, boja i ikona. Za postizanje intuitivnosti kod korištenja mobilnih aplikacija koristi se skeuomorfizam. Skeuomorfizam je vrsta dizajna koji imitira poznate materijale kako bi pobudio osjećaj udobnosti i poznatog kod korisnika. Zbog njega neke ikone i grafički elementi nalikuju na predmete iz stvarnog života što je posebno vidljivo kod dizajna ikona.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Pibernik, Jesenka |
Thesis Committee: | Brozović, Maja and Pibernik, Jesenka and Dolić, Jurica |
Defence date: | 26 September 2019 |
Abstract in english: | Nowadays, there are many design approaches and standards that are used in application development and depend primarily on the platform on which it is displayed. Flat and material design are design systems that are currently most commonly used in mobile app development. Users usually use either an Android or Apple device, depending on their preferences, and they don’t pay attention to the fact that changing the operating system will change the appearance of the application and therefore provide them a different user experience. The aim of this paper is to show what the differences between flat design and material design are and what their impact on user experience is. Google started using material design a few years ago and it has become the standard for creating Android applications. Material Design is an upgraded version of flat design that focuses on details such as animations, shadows and layers. Flat design has been used by Apple and, on the other hand, does not create the impression of multiple dimensions, but rather feels as if objects are "lying" on one surface. In flat design, there are no shadows, gradients, textures, etc., but everything is based on combining fonts, colors, and icons. Skeuomorphism is a design system that is used to gain intuition when using mobile applications. It mimics familiar materials to evoke a sense of comfort and familiarity with the user. Because of this, some icons and graphic elements resemble real-life objects, which is especially evident in the design of icons. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | dizajnerski sustav, material, flat, korisničko iskustvo, dizajnerske smjernice |
Keywords in english: | design system, material, flat, user experience, design guidelines |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 79 |
Callnumber: | PIB 2019 HRA |
Inventory number: | DB847 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 13 Jul 2020 10:00 |
Last Modified: | 13 Jul 2020 10:00 |
URI: | |
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