Dronelapse fotografija

Jerger, Tin (2020) Dronelapse fotografija. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].


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U posljednjih nekoliko godina, uz pomoć napretka tehnologije, još se jedna uzbudljiva tehnika fotografiranja povukla iz relativno nedostupne i nepoznate u vrlo pristupačnu i popularnu. Riječ je o zračnoj fotografiji i videografiji. Drone je pojam u zrakoplovstvu koji se odnosi na bespilotnu letjelicu, upravljanu od strane računalne jedinice ili daljinskog upravljača (RC). U počecima dronovi su se koristili u vojne svrhe, a prvi put je ciljano korišten sredinom 1930-ih godina kao daljinski upravljana meta za vježbu britanskih ratnih pilota. U novije vrijeme pojam dron je postao uobičajen naziv za bespilotne letjelice te svoju namjenu, osim u vojne, počinje imati sve češće i u civilne svrhe. DJI Phantom pokrenuo je revoluciju i promijenio stvari pružajući gotovu platformu za kamere s kojom je bilo lako letjeti. Najvažniji dio zračne fotografije je oprema, bez nje ne možemo letjeti niti snimati. Uz opremu, praksa, upornost i kreativnost su ključ u postizanju sjajnih snimaka. Kroz cijeli diplomski rad bazirat ćemo se na DJI platformu. Osim DJI platforme svi uvjeti i načela su primjenjivi na sve dronove dostupne danas, kao i u bliskoj budućnosti. Dronelapse koristi istu tehniku fotografiranja kao timelapse, ali umjesto fiksnog stajališta, kamera se kreće pomoću bespilotne letjelice – drona. Upravo zbog toga se smatra najnaprednijom tehnikom timelapsea, u kojoj se za svako okidanje fotografije mijenja položaj kamere u zraku. Za razliku od timelapse fotografije, dronelapse tehnika je puno složeniji i kompleksniji proces jer dodajemo prostornu komponentu.. Krajnji rezultat spajanja svih fotografija fluidan je video, koji daje dojam brzog prolaska vremena i velike brzine. Istraživanje unutar diplomskog rada temelji se na snimanju dronlapse fotografije osobnim dronom marke DJI Phantom 4 Adv. Detaljnim istraživanjem i analizom postavljeni su standardi intervala drona i ekspozicije fotoaparata za dobivanje najboljih rezultata kod snimanja dronlapse fotografije.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Thesis Committee: Mandić, Lidija and Strgar Kurečić, Maja and Poljičak, Ante
Defence date: 28 January 2020
Abstract in english: In the past few years, with the advancement of technology, another exciting technique of photography has taken off from the almost inaccessible and unknown, to the very affordable and popular. It is aerial photography and videography. Drone is a term in aviation that refers to an unmanned aerial vehicle, operated by a computer unit or a remote control (RC). Initially, drones were used for military purposes and were first used in the mid-1930s as a remotely operated target for the exercise of British war pilots. More recently the term drone has become a common name for unmanned aerial vehicles, and its purpose, except for the military, is becoming more common for civilian purposes. The DJI Phantom started the revolution and changed things by providing a ready-to-fly platform for cameras that was easy to fly. The most important part of aerial photography is the equipment, without it we cannot fly or take shots. With equipment, practice, persistence and creativity are the keys to getting great shots. Throughout my thesis we will be based on the DJI platform. Except for the DJI platform, all conditions and principles are applicable to all drones available today, as well as in the near future. Dronelapse uses the same photography technique as timelapse, but instead of a fixed point, the camera moves with the help of a drone. This is why it is considered the most advanced timelapse technique, in which the position of the camera in the air changes for each shot. Unlike timelapse photography, dronelapse technique is a much more complicated process because we add a spatial component. The final result of merging all photos is fluid video, which gives the impression of rapid passage of time and high speed. The research within the thesis is based on taking a dronlapse photos with a personal drone DJI Phantom 4 Adv. Detailed research and analysis have set standards for drone intervals and camera exposure for best results when shooting dronlapse photography.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dron, Timelapse, Dronelapse, DJI, fotografija, ekspozicija fotoaparata
Keywords in english: Drone, Timelapse, Dronelapse, DJI, photography, camera exposure
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 35
Callnumber: STR 2020 JER
Inventory number: DB872
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 30 Sep 2020 11:16
Last Modified: 30 Sep 2020 11:16
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/3176

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