Vizualni identitet ambalaže za autohtone proizvode

Delić, Nina (2020) Vizualni identitet ambalaže za autohtone proizvode. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Dolić, Jurica].


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U radu je obrađena problematika dizajna ambalaže za autohtone proizvode na primjeru domaćih prirodnih likera proizvedenih na području Posavine. Najprije se pruža uvid u problematiku regionalnih robnih marki te dizajna autohtonih proizvoda, s naglaskom na odabranu kategoriju proizvoda - likere. Provedena je analiza ambalaža za proizvode iz iste ili sličnih kategorija s područja Bosne i Hercegovine kao i nekoliko primjera iz drugih zemalja. Nakon toga, provedeno je istraživanje karakterističnosti posavskog područja te je obzirom na njega izrađen vizualni identitet robne marke te prototip dizajna ambalaže likera. Svaki element dizajna ambalaže za likere detaljno je opisan kroz studiju slučaja. Dizajn proces započinje odabirom naziva likera, a zatim slijedi kreiranje logotipa, teksture, boce i na kraju kutije. Prototip dizajna konstruiran je na osnovu moodboard-a koji se sastoji od karakterističnih elemenata lokaliteta. Za vjerni prikaz dizajna boce i kutije izrađene su 3D vizualizacije u programu SketchUp. Na kraju rada provedeno je istraživanje putem upitnika s ciljem usporedbe subjektivne procjene predloženog dizajna i konkurentskih proizvoda.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Dolić, Jurica
Thesis Committee: Brozović, Maja and Dolić, Jurica and Pibernik, Jesenka
Defence date: 14 July 2020
Abstract in english: This thesis deals with the issue of packaging design for indigenous products on the example of domestic natural liqueurs produced in the Posavina region. Firstly, an insight into the issues of local brands and design for indigenous products is provided, with an emphasis on the selected category of products – liqueurs. An analysis of packaging for products from the same or similar categories from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina was performed, as well as several examples from other countries. A study of the characteristics of the Posavina region was conducted afterwards and regarding the study the visual identity of the brand and a prototype of the packaging design was created. Each design element of the liqueur packaging is described in details throughout the case study. The design process begins with choosing the name of the liqueur, followed by the creation of the logotype, texture, bottle and finally the box. Prototype design was constructed based on the moodboard consisting of characteristic elements of the locality. 3D visualizations were made using SketchUp for a faithful representation of the design for the bottles and boxes. At the end of the paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted to compare the subjective assessment of the proposed design and competing products.
Uncontrolled Keywords: dizajn ambalaže, likeri, Posavina, vizualni identitet autohtonih proizvoda, studija slučaja, izrada 3D modela
Keywords in english: packaging design, liqueurs, Posavina, visual identity of autochthony products, casestudy, 3D modeling
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 42
Callnumber: DOL 2020 DEL
Inventory number: Z1009
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2020 08:29
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2020 08:29

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