Blažević, Dinko (2020) Reorganizacija srednje velike tiskare s tradicijom duljom od 60 godina. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Banić, Dubravko].
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Reinženjering predstavlja temeljan redizajn poslovnih procesa radi njihovog dramatičnog poboljšanja. Proces je koji mijenja organizacijsku kulturu, kreira nove procese, nove sustave, nove strukture i nove načine za provođenje promjene te utječe na uspjeh tvrtke. Definira se kao temeljni i radikalni redizajn poslovnih procesa u svrhu postizanja boljih rezultata i boljih performansi, snižavanja troškova, povećanje kvalitete, cijene, usluga i brzine. U poslovnom svijetu kada netko spomene pojam reinženjering ono podrazumijeva „početi iz početka“ - pokušaj da se cijeli posao radi bolje na neki drugi način nego što se to radilo do sada. Reinženjering je danas vrlo popularan i sve se češće koristi u poslovanjima. Uz njega se povezuje i pojam “organizacija koja uči“. Postoji veliki broj metoda reinženjeringa koje mogu koristiti tvrtke kako bi efikasno upravljale promjenama unutar svoje tvrtke. Ovaj diplomski rad definira reinženjering te objašnjava najpopularnije i najefikasnije metode reinženjeringa. Ujedno ovaj diplomskog rada će analizirati procese i organizaciju srednje velike tiskare s tradicijom duljom od 60 godina. Na kraju rada biti će ponuđen prijedlog rješenje za poboljšanje poslovnih procesa te smjernice za suvremeniji razvoj poduzeća i bolju učinkovitost zaposlenika.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Banić, Dubravko |
Thesis Committee: | Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana and Banić, Dubravko and Donevski, Davor |
Defence date: | 17 July 2020 |
Abstract in english: | Reengineering is a fundamental redesign of business processes with a goal to dramatically improve them. It is a process that changes the organizational culture creating new systems, new structures, and new ways to implement change with effects on success of the company. It is defined as a fundamental and radical redesign of business processes with the aim of achieving better results and better performance, reduction of costs, increase in quality, price, service and speed. In the business world, when someone mentions the term reengineering, it means "starting from the beginning" - an attempt to do the whole job better, i.e. in a different way than it has been done so far. Reengineering is very popular today and is increasingly being used in businesses. The term "learning organization" is also associated with it. There is a number of reengineering methods that companies can use to effectively manage change within their company. This paper defines reengineering and explains the most popular and most effective methods of reengineering. At the same time, this paper will analyze the processes and the organization of a medium-sized printing company with a tradition of more than 60 years. At the end of the paper, a proposal for a solution for the improvement of business processes will be offered as well as guidelines for more modern company development and better employee efficiency. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | reinženjering, poslovni proces, metode |
Keywords in english: | reengineering, business process, methods |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 54 |
Callnumber: | BAN 2020 BLA |
Inventory number: | DB876 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 09 Dec 2020 09:51 |
Last Modified: | 09 Dec 2020 09:51 |
URI: | |
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