Kračun, Ivona (2020) Kemijska stabilnost otisaka sa termokromnim bojama u ovisnosti o tiskovnoj podlozi. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bolanča Mirković, Ivana].
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Ovo istraživanje nastavlja se na ono napravljeno u završnom radu pod nazivom „Utjecaj kemijskog sastava tiskovne podloge na stabilnost termokromne boje“ u kojem je raspravljen utjecaj ubrzanog starenja na kolorimetrijska svojstva boje aplicirane na dvije različite papirne podloge različitog kemijskog sastava. U ovom radu planira se ispitati kemijska stabilnost dviju termokromnih boja. Uzorci se razlikuju po tehnici tiska sa kojom su otisnuti, načinu sušenja, po termokromnim bojama različitih temperatura aktivacije te različitim papirnim podlogama. Nakon otiskivanja na uzorcima je proveden test kemijske stabilnosti prema ISO standardu u području grafičke industrije koji definira supstance za ispitivanje kemijske stabilnosti. U ovom radu koristili su se u svrhu ovog ispitivanja voda, etanol, ulje i lužina. Nakon provedenog testa uzorci su analizirani vizualno te izmjereni spektralnim fotometrom kako bi se obradili kolorimetrijski radi utvrđivanja degradacije otisaka te da li je termokromni efekt promjene boje i dalje prisutan što je ključan faktor termokromnih otisaka koji imaju funkciju indikatora na proizvodima.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Bolanča Mirković, Ivana |
Thesis Committee: | Banić, Dubravko and Bolanča Mirković, Ivana and Kulčar, Rahela |
Defence date: | 22 September 2020 |
Abstract in english: | This research continues the one made in the final paper entitled "Influence of the chemical composition of the printing substrate on the stability of thermochromic ink" in which the influence of accelerated aging on the colorimetric properties of ink applied to two different paper substrates of different chemical composition. In this paper, it is planned to examine the chemical stability of two thermochromic inks. The samples differ in the printing technique with which they are printed, the method of printing, the thermochromic inks of different activation temperatures and different paper substrates. After printing on the samples, a chemical stability test was performed according to the ISO standard in the field of graphic industry, which defines substances for chemical stability testing. Water, ethanol, oil and alkali were used in this study for this purpose. After the test, the samples were analyzed visually and measured with a spectral photometer to be processed colorimetrically to determine the degradation of prints and whether the thermochromic effect of color change is still present, which is a key factor in thermochromic prints that have an indicator function on products. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | termokromne boje, stabilnost, degradacija, tiskovna podloga |
Keywords in english: | thermochromic inks, stability, degradation, printing substrate |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 53 |
Callnumber: | BOL 2020 KRA |
Inventory number: | DB886 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 16 Dec 2020 09:15 |
Last Modified: | 16 Dec 2020 09:15 |
URI: | |
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