Procesni tok izrade 3D video igre

Pozojević, Ivan (2020) Procesni tok izrade 3D video igre. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mrvac, Nikola].

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Procesni tok izrade 3D video igre je kompleksan i iterativan proces u kojem se primjenjuju niz teoretskih i praktičnih alata tijekom razvoja same igre. U teorijskom dijelu rada, razrađuju se podjele poslova unutar razvoja 3D igre. Obraditi će se zaduženja i pojasniti kompleksnost razvoja proizvoda u video i gaming industriji. Svaki element u video igri ima svoju ulogu i procesni radni tok, kao na primjer: glavni lik, neprijatelji, okruženje i ostalo. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada se istražuje jedan od tih elemenata i to na glavnom liku koji prolazi kroz procesni tok dizajniranja, modeliranja u programu Blender, stavljanje kosti (rigging), animacije sve do mogućnosti kretanja i udaranja neprijatelja unutar grafičkog pokretača (gaming engine) Unreal engine. Obraditi će se zasebni procesni tokovi za svaki korak u programu za 3D modeliranje i generiranje video igre. Treba naglasiti da će se unutar programa za generiranje video igre koristi Blueprints Visual Scripting što su cjelovite napisane skripte, točnije napisana uputstva koja se vide preko čvora. Čvor se kasnije kombinira sa drugim čvorovima te svim dosad napravljenim animacijama i tvore jedinstvenu animaciju. Zadnji postupak je testiranje jedinstvene animacije gdje se vizualno istražuje kako funkcionira glavni lik s određenom definiranom ulaznom jedinicom (input).

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mrvac, Nikola
Thesis Committee: Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola and Pap, Klaudio
Defence date: 24 September 2020
Abstract in english: The process course of creating 3D video games is a very complex and iterative process in which you must be able to apply theoretical and practical tools during development of the game itself. In theoretical part of the paper, business divisions within the development of 3D games are elaborated. Debts will be processed and the complexity of product development in video and gaming industry explained. Each element in the video game has its role and process workflow, such as: main character, enemies, environment, etc. In the experimental part of the paper one of these elements is investigated and it is on the main character who is passing through the processes of design, modelling in the blender program, placing bone (rigging), animation up to the possibility of moving and hitting the enemy within the graphic trigger (gaming engine) Unreal engine. Separate process flows for each step in the 3D modelling and video game generation program will be processed. It should be emphasized that the Blueprints Visual scripting will be used within the program for video game generation, which includes complete written scripts, i.e. written instructions that can be seen through the node. Later, the node is combined with other nodes and all made animation are compound and they are creating a unique animation. The last procedure is to test unique animation where the main character with a certain defined input unit is visually explored.
Uncontrolled Keywords: 3D video igre, gaming industrija, modeliranje, Blueprints Visual Scripting, jedinstvena animacija
Keywords in english: 3D video games, gaming industry, modelling, Blueprints Visual scripting, unique animation
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 45
Callnumber: MRV 2020 POZ
Inventory number: DB914
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Mar 2021 09:39
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2021 09:39

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