Model standardizacije označavanja ambalaže biodinamičkih proizvoda = Package labelling standardization model for biodynamic products

Posavec, Dijana (2022) Model standardizacije označavanja ambalaže biodinamičkih proizvoda = Package labelling standardization model for biodynamic products. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Tomiša, Mario].

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Provedena su mnoga istraživanja o gospodarskim, etičkim, ekološkim, sociogospodarskim, zdravstvenim i potrošačkim aspektima ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda, ali sve se više pojavljuju prehrambeni proizvodi proizvedeni po načelima biodinamičkog uzgoja, kojeg možemo predstaviti i kao nadstandard ekološkom načinu proizvodnje. Kao i ekološki i biodinamički uzgoj ima propisane standarde, metode i procese proizvodnje, prerade, distribucije i označavanja te procese kontrole i certifikacije, samo što takve proizvode u Hrvatskoj još uvijek potrošači ne prepoznaju u velikoj mjeri. Poticanje na održivu proizvodnju (prehrambenih proizvoda, ali i ambalaže) zasigurno će imati presudnu ulogu u postizanju ambicije Europskog zelenog sporazuma (eng. European Green Deal). Predloženi doktorski rad na temelju dosadašnjih istraživanja i izvornog empirijskog istraživanja bavi se izgradnjom modela standardizacije označavanja ambalaže biodinamičkih proizvoda u Hrvatskoj. Predmet istraživanja odabran je jer ne postoji kvalitetan komunikacijski proces proizvođač – mediji – potrošač koji bi zadovoljio svrhu karakterizacije i diversifikacije specifičnih biodinamičkih proizvoda na tržištu Hrvatske. Istraživanja u ovom radu dokazala su da postoji potreba i nužnost označavanja ambalaže biodinamičkih proizvoda u Hrvatskoj. Od velikog je značaja, prije svega, identifikacija ključnih parametara za kreiranje i oblikovanje originalne, inovativne, relevantne i autentične grafičke oznake na ambalaži biodinamičkih proizvoda koja je u funkciji poboljšanja informacijsko-komunikacijskog modela te stvaranja povjerenja između proizvođača i potrošača. Predloženi model definira optimalni sustav korištenja i pozicioniranja oznake na ambalaži biodinamičkih proizvoda. Aplikacija odabrane grafičke oznake ima cilj da zaštiti proizvođača i potrošača te regulaciju i ekonomsku efikasnost na tržištu. Model standardizacije označavanja ambalaže biodinamičkih proizvoda predstavlja i dodatnu vrijednost proizvodu koja se očituje kroz jedinstvenost i relevantnost strogih biodinamičkih standarda proizvodnje.

Item Type: Dissertation (PhD) thesis
Mentor name: Tomiša, Mario
Thesis Committee: Mikota, Miroslav and Pap, Klaudio and Kisić, Ivica
Defence date: 12 July 2022
Abstract in english: Many researches have been conducted on economic, ethical, ecological, socioeconomic, health and consumer aspects of organic food products, but more and more food products are produced according to the principles of biodynamic cultivation, which can be presented as a standard above ecological mode of production. Like organic, biodynamic cultivation has prescribed standards, methods and processes of production, processing, distribution and labelling, as well as control and certification procedures, but such products are still not sufficiently recognized by consumers in Croatia. Promoting sustainable production (packaging and food) will certainly play a key role in achieving the ambitions of the European Green Agreement. The proposed doctoral thesis, based on previous research and original empirical research, deals with the construction of a model for standardization of labelling of packaging for biodynamic products in Croatia. The subject of the research was chosen because there is no quality communication process producer - medium - consumer that would satisfy the purpose of characterization and diversification of specific biodynamic products on the Croatian market. The research activities were conducted in three phases and yielded the following results. In the first phase of the research work, it was concluded through after the analysis that there is an awareness of respondents about the importance of choosing quality foods in their daily consumption. It is also important and necessary to diversify such products on the market through the labelling of packaging of organic and biodynamic products, and therefore respondents are willing to pay a premium price for these products The results of this phase of the research showed that the information that will be in the function of recognizing biodynamic Croatian products on the market is extremely important to the respondents, which means labelling their packaging.In the second phase of the research, about 50 of the most recognizable labels for packaging of ecological and biodynamic products in the world were analysed. The corresponding logos were analysed, as well as their graphic description, the name of the label, the standard by which it is awarded, and information on who manages the label, at what level the label is used (nationally, regionally, globally) and the corresponding websites that provide more information. The results showed that the most common label for packaging of ecological and biodynamic products is round and rectangular, green and white in most cases with the applied text. In the third phase of work, by the identification of key parameters, an original, innovative, relevant and authentic graphic label for labelling the packaging of biodynamic products was created and designed. The defined model of labelling standardization of biodynamic products packaging will be proposed at the national level and will be in the function of improving the information - communication model. The proposed model defines the optimal system of use and positioning of the label on the packaging of biodynamic products. The application of the selected graphic label for the purpose has the protection of producers and consumers, as well as regulation and economic efficiency in the market. Therefore, the original scientific contribution of the doctoral dissertation is manifested in the construction of a model of standardization of package labelling of biodynamic products through which the functional relationship between the key parameters of the label is identified. The optimal system for the use of the label on the packaging of biodynamic products has been defined, which represents an efficient information and communication tool between producers and consumers. Visual positioning of the label on the packaging of biodynamic products has also been standardized, which improves and enhances the quality of the communication process. The proposed model is in the function of identifying these products, but also contributes to their added value, which is reflected in the uniqueness and relevance of strict biodynamic production standards.
Uncontrolled Keywords: označavanje ambalaže biodinamičkih proizvoda, biodinamička poljoprivreda, biodinamički proizvod
Keywords in english: labeling of biodynamic product packaging, biodynamic agriculture, biodynamic product
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 214
Callnumber: 621.798:621.798.7:655 POS m
Inventory number: 10511
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 07 Sep 2022 11:16
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022 11:16

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