Suvremeni komunikacijski alati u poslovnom svijetu

Martić, Ivana (2023) Suvremeni komunikacijski alati u poslovnom svijetu. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mustić, Daria].

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Kvalitetna i učinkovita komunikacija unutar organizacije osigurava uspjeh i daljnji napredak u budućnosti poslovanja. Stoga je važno pratiti promjene i prilagođavati se modernim načinima komuniciranja. Danas se komunikacija najčešće odvija uz pomoć tehnologije gdje veliku važnost imaju elektronski uređaji i internet. Marketing uvelike napreduje kroz društvene mreže i zato je sve veći broj tvrtki aktivno na njima. Teorijski dio ovog rada opisuje strukturu i načine poslovnog komuniciranja unutar i izvan organizacije. Posebno su definirani suvremeni pristupi od kojih društvene mreže postaju važan kanal poslovne komunikacije. U praktičnom dijelu rada uz pomoć ankete određen je utjecaj društvenih mreža na poslovanje. Ispitanici su bili zaposleni ljudi mlađe životne dobi, a odgovarali su na različita pitanja vezana za načine poslovnog komuniciranja koje koriste te njihova iskustva s poslovnom komunikacijom putem društvenih mreža. Svrha je bila otkriti prednosti i nedostatke modernog načina komuniciranja, koje načine ljudi preferiraju te mogu li društvene mreže unaprijediti budućnost tvrtki i na koji način.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mustić, Daria
Thesis Committee: Dragčević, Krešimir and Mustić, Daria and Kovačević, Dorotea
Defence date: 2 February 2023
Abstract in english: Quality and effective communication within the organization ensures success and further progress in the future of business. Therefore, it is important to follow changes and adapt to modern ways of communication. Nowadays, it is communicated using technology, where electronic devices and the Internet are of great importance. Marketing is greatly progressing through social networks and that is why an increasing number of companies are active on them. The theoretical part of this paper describes the structure and ways of business communication inside and outside the organization. Modern approaches that make social networks an important channel of business communication are specially defined. In the practical part of the paper, the impact of social networks on business is determined using a survey. Respondents were employed people of a younger age, and they answered various questions related to the methods of business communication they use and their experiences with business communication through social networks. The purpose is to discover the advantages and disadvantages of the modern way of communicating, which ways people prefer and whether social networks can improve the future of companies and in what way.
Uncontrolled Keywords: komunikacija, poslovna komunikacija, društvene mreže
Keywords in english: communication, business communication, social networks
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 45
Callnumber: MUS 2023 MAR
Inventory number: DB964
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2023 15:00
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2023 15:00

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