Važnost vizuala u digitalnom marketingu

Klarić, Lucija (2021) Važnost vizuala u digitalnom marketingu. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mustić, Daria].


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Gotovo svi korisnici interneta se svakodnevno susreću s internetskim oglasima. S obzirom na to da je život modernog čovjeka u velikoj većini digitaliziran, ne čudi da su vodeći načini oglašavanja upravo digitalni. Uzevši u obzir koliko je online danas bitno i razvijeno nastala je želja za dokazivanjem utjecaja vizualnog u oglašavanju. Unutar vrlo kratkog vremenskog okvira potrebno je zadobiti pažnju oglašavanje pojedinca. Tu se koriste grafički elementi kao što su tekst, slike, boje, oblici i sl. koji se prilagođavaju s obzirom na cilj. Svaki od tih elemenata ima svoju ulogu u privlačenju i zadržavanju potencijalnog kupca. S pretpostavkom da upravo vizualni elementi i način oblikovanja čine razliku u uspješnosti oglasa, kreirana je anketa koja bi potvrdila tu tezu. Uspoređivanjem različitih slikovnih primjera publika se izjasnila kojem oglasu više naginje i na koji bi prije kliknula. Takvom metodom dobiveni su rezultati koji ukazuju da su pretpostavke bile točne: vizuali i njihov dizajn imaju veliki utjecaj responzivnost i angažman publike.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Mustić, Daria
Thesis Committee: Dragčević, Krešimir and Mustić, Daria and Kovačević, Dorotea
Defence date: 15 September 2015
Abstract in english: Almost all internet users encounter online ads on a daily basis. Given that the life of modern man is for the most part digitized, it is not surprising that the leading modes of advertising are precisely digital. Considering how important and developed online is today, there is a desire to prove the impact of the visual in advertising. Within a very short time frame, it is necessary to gain the attention of the individual. It uses graphic elements such as text, images, colors, shapes, etc. that are adjusted according to the goal. Each of these elements has a role to play in attracting and retaining a potential customer. Assuming that it is the visual elements and the way of formatting that make the difference in the performance of the ad, a survey was created that would confirm this thesis. By comparing different image examples, the audience decided which ad they were more inclined to and which they would click on first. With such a method, results were obtained that indicate that the assumptions were correct: the visuals and their design have a great influence on the responsiveness and engagement of the audience.
Uncontrolled Keywords: vizuali, digitalni marketing, oglašavanje, oglasi, grafički elementi, dizajn
Keywords in english: visuals, digital marketing, advertisement, ads, graphic elements, design
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 30
Callnumber: MUS 2021 KLA
Inventory number: Z1125
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 13 Mar 2023 12:52
Last Modified: 13 Mar 2023 12:52

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