Stereotipi u masovnim medijima

Matanović, Suzana (2021) Stereotipi u masovnim medijima. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mustić, Daria].


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Stereotipi se definiraju kao sklopovi pojednostavnjenih i pretjerano uopćenih osobina koje se pridaju svim pripadnicima neke društvene skupine. Kroz život, određeni stereotipi se mijenjaju, nadograđuju, a novi se stječu. Od samih početaka pa sve do danas stereotipi su prisutni u masovnim medijima. Selektiranjem informacija nastoje utjecati na ponašanje, stavove i emocije korisnika. U ovom radu navode se razni načini manipuliranja koje koriste mediji kako bi privukli pozornost čitatelja i gledatelja. Prikazano je nekoliko primjera stereotipa korištenih u oglašavanju poznatih tvrtaka. Praktični dio odrađen je u obliku ankete kojom se nastoji utvrditi u kojoj mjeri su korisnici upoznati sa stereotipima i masovnim medijima te jesu li osviješteni o manipuliranju istih.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Mustić, Daria
Thesis Committee: Dragčević, Krešimir and Mustić, Daria and Kovačević, Dorotea
Defence date: 15 September 2021
Abstract in english: Stereotypes are defined as sets of simplified and overly generalized characteristics that are attached to all members of a social group. Through life, certain stereotypes change, are upgraded, and new stereotypes are acquired. From the very beginning to the present day, stereotypes have been present in mass media. By selecting information, they try to influence behaviour, attitudes and emotions of users. This final thesis lists various manipulation methods used by the media to attract the attention of readers and viewers. It also includes several examples of stereotypes that have been used in advertising for well-known companies. The practical part was done in the form of a survey aimed at determining the extent to which users are familiar with stereotypes and mass media and whether they are aware of their manipulation.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Stereotipi, masovni mediji, manipulacija, korisnik
Keywords in english: Stereotypes, mass media, manipulation, user
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 47
Callnumber: MUS 2021 MAT
Inventory number: Z1126
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 13 Mar 2023 13:00
Last Modified: 13 Mar 2023 13:00

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