Transformacija 2D SVG elemenata u animirano 3D objekt

Bekavac, Mateo (2022) Transformacija 2D SVG elemenata u animirano 3D objekt. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Koren Ivančević, Tajana].

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Za prikaz grafike na web stranici standard je SVG format - XML jezik koji ima mogućnost zadržavanja visoke rezolucije 2D vektorske grafike neovisno o stupnju skaliranja iste. Skalabilnu vektorsku grafiku moguće je izraditi koristeći programe s grafičkim sučeljem, ili s običnim uređivačem teksta. Napretkom preglednika pojavljuje se mogućnost prikaza 3D objekta u 3D okruženju, te postaje nezamjenjiv način virtualne prezentacije proizvoda s raznim mogućnostima interaktivnosti. Danas postoji mnogo alata posvećenih lakšem modeliranje kompleksnih 3D objekata koji također imaju mogućnost pripreme izrađenog modela za prikaz na webu, jedan od takvih alata je Blender. U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada proučavaju se alati za izradu vektorske grafike i 3D objekata, te osnovne funkcije tih alata potrebne u svrhu rada. Eksperimentalni dio rada odnosi se na izradu vektorske grafike u HTML-u koju se animira CSS-om, te zatim izrade animiranog 3D objekta na temelju dobivene grafike koristeći Blender. Cilj rada je usporediti mogućnosti prikaza 3D objekta, izrađenog i animiranog CSS-om i HTML-om u odnosu na implementaciju 3D animiranog objekta izrađenog u Blenderu.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Koren Ivančević, Tajana
Thesis Committee: Rudolf, Maja and Koren Ivančević, Tajana and Stanić Loknar, Nikolina
Defence date: 23 September 2022
Abstract in english: The standard format for display of graphics on the web is SVG – an XML language with the ability to maintain high quality regardless of the degree it is scaled to. Scalable vector graphics can be made with a dedicated software, or with a simple text editor. The rise of browser capability also made it possible to display 3D objects on a website, which became an irreplaceable way of virtually presenting a product, with many interactivity options. Today there exists a wide range of software dedicated for easier modelling of complex 3D objects which can also be used to prepare the same object for its display on a website, one of these tools is called Blender. The theoretical part of this thesis studies tools used in creation of vector graphics and 3D objects, as well as the basic functions of those tools necessary for the completion of this work. The experimental part of the thesis is focused on the creation of vector graphics using HTML, and animating it with CSS, as well as the modelling of a 3D object based on the created graphics using Blender. The goal of this thesis is to compare display capabilities of a 3D object created and animated using HTML and CSS, as opposed to the implementation of a 3D object created and animated using Blender.
Uncontrolled Keywords: HTML/CSS, vektorska grafika, 2D vektorska grafika, 3D objekti, animacija
Keywords in english: HTML/CSS, vector graphics, 2D vector graphics, 3D objects, animation
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 40
Callnumber: KOR 2022 BEK
Inventory number: Z1255
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 24 Nov 2023 09:35
Last Modified: 24 Nov 2023 09:35

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