Maričić, Antonio (2021) Izrada i priprema 3D modela za računalnu igru. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mandić, Lidija].
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Modeliranje je proces stvaranja 3D prikaza bilo koje površine ili objekta manipuliranjem poligona, rubova i vrhova u simuliranom 3D prostoru. Izvodi se u softveru specijaliziranom za trodimenzionalno oblikovanje. Svaki model može biti građen od većeg broja poligona ili manjeg broja poligona, a razina kvalitete modela ovisi o njegovoj građi. Struktura modela utječe na sadržaj okoline u računalnoj igri. Tema ovog diplomskog rada je izrada 3D modela koji je spreman za računalnu igru. Za izradu modela korišteni su sljedeći programi: Blender, Zbrush, Substance Painter i Marmoset. U današnje vrijeme 3D modeliranje sve se više koristi zbog velikog napretka digitalne tehnologije i otvaranja vrata novim mogućnostima u izradi modela za određene svrhe. U ovom diplomskom radu bit će objašnjeno modeliranje modela s manjim i većim brojem poligona, izrada tekstura i reduciranje poligona na modelu kako bi mogao biti spreman za korištenje u računalnoj igri. Model treba zadržati sve detalje i kvalitetu prilikom reduciranja poligona na modelu. Za izradu 3D modela potrebno je poznavati osnovne naredbe u Blenderu, osnove kiparstva (sculpting) te osnove teksturiranja i bojanja.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mandić, Lidija |
Thesis Committee: | Strgar Kurečić, Maja and Mandić, Lidija and Pibernik, Jesenka |
Defence date: | 24 September 2021 |
Abstract in english: | 3D object modeling is a procedure used in computer graphics to create a mathematical representation of the shape of an object in three dimensions. It is performed in software specializing in three-dimensional design. Each model can be built from a larger number of polygons or a smaller number of polygons, and the quality level of the model depends on its structure. The structure of the model affects the content of the environment in the computer game. The topic of this thesis is the creation of a 3D model that is ready for computer play. The following programs were used to create the model: Blender, Zbrush, Substance Painter, and Marmoset. Nowadays, 3D modeling is increasingly used due to the great advancement of digital technology and the opening of doors to new possibilities in model making for certain purposes. This thesis will explain modeling models with smaller and larger polygons, creating textures and reducing polygons on the model so that it can be ready for use in a computer game. The model should retain all the details and quality when reducing the polygon on the model. To create a 3D model, it is necessary to know the basic commands in Blender, the basics of sculpture, and the basics of texturing and painting. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | 3D model, Blender, poligoni, teksture, reduciranje |
Keywords in english: | 3D model, Blender, polygons, textures, reduction |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 54 |
Callnumber: | MAN 2021 MAR |
Inventory number: | DB1004 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 11 Dec 2023 10:18 |
Last Modified: | 11 Dec 2023 10:18 |
URI: | |
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