Kreiranje surealističkih ilustracija od portretnih fotografija

Dunkel, Rene (2021) Kreiranje surealističkih ilustracija od portretnih fotografija. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].

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Nadrealizam u svijetu umjetnosti postao je popularan početkom 1920-ih kao izraz revolucionarne filozofije. Cilj mu je bio osloboditi krute racionalnosti i restriktivne navike u politici, religiji i društvenom ponašanju. Ako svoje misli oslobodimo od civiliziranih standarda, dolazimo do istina koje nikada prije nismo znali. Neometana razumom, izvan uobičajenih estetskih i moralnih pravila, igra mašte dolazi do novih rješenja za probleme života. Uvjerljiva nadrealna slika ubrizgava šok u nečiji psihički sustav, otkrivajući tako skrivene emocionalne, psihološke i duhovne uvide. Ovaj umjetnički stil ponekad je prikazivao otuđenost koju su ljudi osjećali u modernom svijetu, dok je pokušavao ukazati put duboko u psihu kako bi otkrio nečiju individualnost. Ako kažemo da fotografija realno prikazuje stvarnost, započinjemo s istraživanjem vrlo različitog psihološkog, filozofskog i umjetničkog teritorija: nadrealne fotografije. One mijenjaju tu granicu između stvarnosti i fantazije, pokazujući nam stvari koje su nemoguće u svakodnevnom životu. Cilj izrade ovog diplomskog rada, je upoznavanje s osnovnim i naprednim funkcijama Photoshopa, te izrade nadrealističnih ilustracija. Za potrebu izrade surealističnih ilustracija potrebno je razumjeti različite poput sadržaja, vizualnog stila, tehnike snimanja, kompozicije i kompozicije i naknadne obrade mogu dovesti do složenih nadrealnih fotografija.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Dragčević, Krešimir and Mikota, Miroslav and Jurečić, Denis
Defence date: 30 September 2021
Abstract in english: Surrealism in the art world became popular in the early 1920s as an expression of revolutionary philosophy. His goal was to free rigid rationalities and restrictive habits in politics, religion, and social behavior. If we free our thoughts from civilized standards, we come to truths we never knew before. Unhindered by reason, beyond the usual aesthetic and moral rules, the game of imagination comes to new solutions to the problems of life. A compelling surreal image injects shock into one’s psychic system, thus revealing hidden emotional, psychological, and spiritual insights. This artistic style sometimes portrayed the alienation people felt in the modern world, while trying to point a way deep into the psyche to reveal one’s individuality. If we say that photography realistically depicts reality, we begin by exploring a very different psychological, philosophical, and artistic territory: surreal photography. They change that boundary between reality and fantasy, showing us things that are impossible in everyday life The aim of this thesis is to get acquainted with the basic and advanced functions of Photoshop, and to create surrealistic illustrations. For the need to make surrealistic illustrations it is necessary to understand different such as content, visual style, shooting technique, composition and composition and subsequent processing can lead to complex surreal photographs.
Uncontrolled Keywords: surealizam, umjetnost, ilustracije, Photoshop
Keywords in english: Surealism, Art, Illustrations, Photoshop
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 42
Callnumber: MIK 2021 DUN
Inventory number: DB1035
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Dec 2023 10:36
Last Modified: 18 Dec 2023 10:36

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