Grba, Ivana (2007) Specifičnost reciklacije ofsetnih otisaka. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bolanča, Zdenka].
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Danas je od rastuce važnosti recikliranje otpadnog papira, i radi ocuvanja prirodnih sirovina i smanjenja kolicine krutog otpada. Iako industrija reciklaže proživljava brzi razvoj, trošak i kvaliteta korištenja otpadnog papira još uvijek su neusporedivi sa onim koji koriste primarna vlakna. Zbog toga, da bi se smanjila kolicina odlaganja otpadnog papira, te da bi se smanjila kolicina otpada s jedne strane i dobila što veca kvaliteta recikliranog vlakna s druge strane bitan je razvoj procesa reciklacije papira s tehnickim dostignucima graficke tehnologije – moraju se prouciti nove tehnike, a jedna od njih je konvencionalni postupak deinking flotacije. Svrha diplomskog rada je utvrdivanje utjecaja ofsetnih boja razlicitog sastava i gramature. Na pocetku teorijskog dijela prikazan je princip najrasprostranjenije tehnike tiska - ofseta, opisan je cijeli proces od dizajna pa sve od gotovog otiska. Usporedena je ofsetna tehnika tiska s digitalnim tiskom i bezvodnim ofsetom, te je usporeden sastav konvencionalne boje i ekološki prihvatljive. Teorijski dio zatim prikazuje mehanizam postupaka kemijske deinking flotacije kao konvencionalne metode za reciklažu papira. Za reciklaciju su korišteni ofsetni otisci otisnuti konvencionalnom ofsetnom bojom Hartman i ekološki povoljnijom K+E. Tiskovna podloga bila je premazni i nepremazani papir razlicitih gramatura ( Bio Mat 115 g/m2 papir za umjetnicki tisak, na bazi vegetabilnih ulja - ekološki povoljniji, Prelude 90 g/m2 papir za umjetnicki tisak, na bazi mineralnih ulja - ekološki nepovoljniji, Bio Mat bez premaza 115 g/m2 papir za umjetnicki tisak, na bazi vegetabilnih ulja - ekološki povoljniji). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da najbolje rezulate dobivamo na papirima koji su otisnuiti konvencionalnom bojom. Usporedbom rezultata dobivenih mjerenjem efikasnosti deinking flotacije doznajemo da na bjelinu pulpe ne utjece samo broj zaostalih cestica boje nakon dezintegracije i flotacije, nego i distribucija velicine cestica bojila. Nakon flotacije ukazuje se uspješno odstranjvanje velikih obojenih dijelova tiskarske boje i djelomicno njihovo razbijanje na manje dijelove.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Bolanča, Zdenka |
Defence date: | 2007 |
Abstract in english: | Nowadays, the issue of recycling waste paper is becoming more and more important due to the preservation of raw materials and reduction of solid waste. Although the recycling industry is experiencing a fast growth, the cost and quality of the recycled paper usage cannot be compared to that of primary fibers. Therefore, in order to reduce the quantity of dumped waste paper, as well as the quantity of waste on one side and to achieve the highest possible quality of recycled fiber on the other side, the development of the process of recycling paper and the technical achievements of graphic technology are of crucial importance – new techniques have to be studied, one of it being a conventional procedure of deinking scavenging. The purpose of the graduation thesis is to establish the influence of offset colors of different structure and gramme – weight. At the beginning of theoretical part there is a demonstration of the most wide – spread print technique principle – the offset. There is a description of the entire process, from design to the print. The offset technique of print is compared to a digital and waterless print, and the structure of conventional color is compared to the color, which is environmentally acceptable. Later on, the theoretical part explains the mechanism of the deinking scavenging procedures as the conventional methods of paper recycling. The offset prints, which were printed with the conventional offset color Hartman, and more environmentally acceptable color K+E, were used in recycling. Waxed and non – waxed paper of different weight was used as a basis (Bio Mat 115 g/m2 paper for art print, based on vegetable oils – environmentally favorable, Prelude shiny 90 g/m2 paper for art print based on mineral oils – environmentally non - favorable, Bio Mat non – waxed 115 g/m2 paper for art print, based on vegetable oils – environmentally favorable). The results of research work indicate that we achieve the best results on papers, which were printed with conventional color. If we compare results obtained from measuring the efficiency of deinking scavenging, we can see that the number of particles that have fallen behind after the process of disintegration and scavenging as well as the distribution of the color particles size influence the whiteness of the pulp. After scavenging there is a successful removal of large colored parts of printing color and a partial disintegration on smaller parts. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ofsetni otisak, recikliranje |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 85 |
Callnumber: | bolz 2007 grb |
Inventory number: | D466 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:31 |
Last Modified: | 22 May 2014 10:37 |
URI: | |
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