Dujić, Blanka (2007) Putevi moderne fizike: od klasične do grafičkih medija. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Džimbeg-Malčić, Vesna].
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U ovom diplomskom radu opisana je kratka povijest moderne fizike. Započela sam s kratkim osvrtom na klasičnu fiziku s naglaskom na razlike u odnosu na modernu fiziku. Zatim sam navela sve ključne ideje koje su dovele do stvaranja nove slike svijeta kao i one koje još uvijek mijenjaju naš doživljaj stvarnosti: razvoj predodžbi o atomu, otkriće dualnog (valnog i korpuskularnog) svojstva svjetlosti, otkriće diskontinuiranosti energije, fotoefekta, spektralnih linija i nizova, teorija relativnosti i teorija struna. Osvrnula sam se i na okolnosti koje su utjecale na znanstvenike da stvore svoje ideje. Na kraju sam navela i nekoliko primjera primjene ovih otkrića u grafičkoj industriji kod: lasera, CTP (Computer To Plate) tehnologije, digitalnog tiska, holografije te optičkog vlakna.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Džimbeg-Malčić, Vesna |
Defence date: | December 2007 |
Abstract in english: | This thesis describes the short history of modern physics. I started with short overview of classical physics with emphasis on difference related to modern physics. Then I specified key ideas that led to creation of the new picture of world and ones that still change our perception of reality: development of atomic model, discovery of dual nature of light, finding descrete values of energy, fotoelectric effect, spectral lines and series, theory of relativity and string theory. I mentioned the circumstances that influenced scientists to create their ideas. Finally, I reviewed a few examples of implementation in graphical technology in: lasers, CTP (Computer To Plate) technology, digital press, holography and optical fibers. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | kvantna fizika, atomi, valovi, spektri, teorija relativnosti teorija struna, primjena u grafičkoj tehnologiji |
Keywords in english: | quantum physics, atoms, waves, spectrum, theory of relativity, string theory, application in graphical technology |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 59 |
Callnumber: | mal 2007 duj |
Inventory number: | D574 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:32 |
Last Modified: | 22 May 2014 12:47 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/545 |
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