Vujević, Ana (2008) Utjecaj kokamidopropil betaina na optička svojstva fotokopirnih papira. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Barbarić-Mikočević, Željka].
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U diplomskom radu ispitan je utjecaj amfotermne površinsko aktivne tvari kokamidopropil betain na optička svojstva nekih fotokopirnih papira različitih proizvođača dostupnih na hrvatskom tržištu (Navigator, Fabriano, Rcopy, Xerox, Pioneer, IQ i Plano Premium). Načinjene su dvije grupe ispitivanja koje se razlikuju po načinu obrade: a) namakanje i b) razvlaknjivanje uzorka svakog fotokopirnog papira u otopini površinsko aktivne tvari, w = 1,0%. U svrhu boljeg određivanja utjecaja kokamidopropil betaina na optička svojstva fotokopirnog papira načinjena je i obrada uzorka u destiliranoj vodi pod istim uvjetima. Isto tako određivan je i utjecaj ultraljubičastog zračenja na sve obrađene fotokopirne papire. Optička svojstva mjerena su spektrofotometrom, a rezultati su prikazani pomoću spektrofotometrijskih krivulja. Ovisno o proizvođaču, papiri su pokazali i različite rezultate na osnovu kojih je moguće odrediti i kvalitetu papira.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Barbarić-Mikočević, Željka |
Defence date: | November 2008 |
Abstract in english: | This thesis describes the effects of amphoteric surface active chemical cocamidopropyl betaine on the optical characteristics of photocopy papers of different producers available on the croatian market (Navigator, Fabriano, Rcopy, Xerox, Pioneer, IQ i Plano Premium). There were made two groups of experiments which were different by the way they were treated: a) soaking and b)desintegration of the sample every photocopy paper in the surfactant solution, w = 1,0%. For this purpose, better to determine the effects of cocamidopropyl betaine on the optical characteristics of photocopy paper, the same experiment was also made with distillated water under the same conditions. The influence of ultraviolet radiation on all treated photocopy papers was also determined at the same way. The measurements were processed using the spectrophotometer and the measurment results were presented in spectrophotometric curves. Depending on producers, photocopy papers have shown different results based on which we could also determine their quality. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | fotokopirni papir, kokamidopropil betain, starenje papira, ultraljubičasto zračenje |
Keywords in english: | photocopy paper, cocamidopropyl betaine, paper ageing, ultraviolet radiation |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 57 |
Callnumber: | bar 2008 vuj |
Inventory number: | D634 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:33 |
Last Modified: | 21 May 2014 10:14 |
URI: | |
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