Sirotić, Iva (2009) Definicija crne boje u digitalnom tisku. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].
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Izlaganje koje slijedi bavi se problematikom reprodukcije crne boje u tehnikama digitalnog otiskivanja. Uz opsežnu teorijsku osnovu, i objašnjenja, glavni predmet eksperimentalnog dijela je subjektivno i objektivno mjerenje kvadrata na kojima su otisnute različito zamiješane crne boje. Printalo se u elektrofotografiji i ink jet tehnologiji na dvije različite podloge, specijaliziranoj podlozi za svaku tehnologiju i običnom uredskom papiru. Subjektivni dio eksperimenta proveden je među 10 muškaraca i 10 žena u dobi od 18 do 50 god, prosječno zdravog vida; a objektivni dio svodio se na mjerenje L* a* b* vrijednosti otisaka spektrofotometrom. Zadatak za ispitanike je bio crne kvadratiće poredati od najcrnjeg prema najmanje crnom, u svakoj tehnici zasebno. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s onima dobivenim mjerenjem spektrofotometrom. Zbog ne postojanja dosad definirane standardne preporučljive vrijednosti za optimalno miješanje crne boje iz CMYK palete niti za elektrofotografiju niti za ink jet, kao referentna točka za izračunavanje vrijednosti ΔE za dobivene ekstreme, uzeta je srednja vrijednost spektrofotometrijskih mjerenja za elektrofotografiju i ink jet. Konačni rezultati predstavljaju optimalni odnos komponenata iz CMYK palete u elektrofotografiji i ink jet tehnologiji, na specijaliziranim podlogama za određene tehnike, kao i na običnim uredskim papirima. Pretpostavlja se da će rezultati ovog eksperimenta i prateće elaboriranje o istima biti korisna podrška svakom tiskaru koji se u svom radu susreće sa problemima reprodukcije crne boje prilikom otiskivanja u digitalnim tehnikama, ali također i poticaj za daljnje eksperimente sličnog tipa, sa procesnim i drugim bojama, i u ostalim tehnikama tiska bez pritiska.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Zjakić, Igor |
Defence date: | May 2009 |
Abstract in english: | Demonstration which follows deals with the problematics of reproduction of black color in digital printing techniques. In addition to a comprehensive theoretical basis, and explanations, a major experimental section is subjective and objective measurement of the squares on which they are printed differently mixed black colors. It was printed in electrophotography and ink jet technology on two different substrates, the specialized substrate for each technology and ordinary office paper. Subjective part of the experiment was conducted among 10 men and 10 women aged from 18 to 50 years, with an average healthy vision; and objective part of the experiment consisted of the measurement of L * a * b * values of the prints with the spectrophotometer. The task for respondents was to sort the black boxes from the blackest to at least black, in each technique separately. The results were compared with those obtained by measuring with spectrophotometer. Due to the existence of so far not defined the standard recommended values for optimal mixing black color from the CMYK palette, neither for electrophotography nor for ink jet, as a reference point to calculate the value of ΔE obtained for the extremes, taken the average value of spectrophotometric measurements for electrophotography and ink jet. Final results represent the optimum relation of components of the CMYK palette in electrophotography and ink jet technology, on the specialized substrates for specific techniques, as well as ordinary office paper. Assumed that the results of this experiment and supporting elaboriration about them to be useful support for any print shop which in it work meets with the problems of reproduction of black color when printing in digital techniques, but also as a stimulus for further experiments of similar type, with the process, and other colors, as well in other non impact printing techniques. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | digitalni tisak, reprodukcija boje, psihologija boja, crna boja |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 65 |
Callnumber: | zja 2009 sir |
Inventory number: | D721 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:34 |
Last Modified: | 20 May 2014 10:43 |
URI: | |
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