Elektroničko izdavaštvo - budućnost časopisa

Tomić, Gorana (2012) Elektroničko izdavaštvo - budućnost časopisa. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mrvac, Nikola].

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Pojavom elektroničkog izdavaštva, iako još uvijek aktualni, tiskani časopisi dobivaju konkurenciju – e-izdanje. Medijske kompanije moraju se prilagoditi novonastalim uvjetima, udaljiti se od tradicionalnog modela izdavanja i stvoriti novi suvremeni model izdavaštva. Za razliku od PDF-a pripremljenog za tisak, e-izdanje može sadržavati elemente neupotrebljive u tisku. Elektroničko izdanje iskorištava prednosti novih medija, te omogućava čitateljima uživanje u interakciji, dinamici i multimediji. Razvoju elektroničkog izdavaštva pridonosi i konstantan razvoj novih uređaja (gadgeta), a nove generacije operativnih sustava čine ih sve prigodnijima za distribuciju takvih materijala. Suočeni s problemom konstantnog pada naklade tiskanih izdanja, u ovom diplomskom radu istražen je utjecaj elektroničkog izdavaštva na današnje potrošače. Ispitane su njihove navike, preferencije i mišljenja o elektroničkim časopisima u odnosu na klasične, tiskane časopise. Istraživanje se provodilo metodom anketiranja, u čiju svhu se izradio tjedni časopis „Sedmica“, tiskano i iPad izdanje. Anketa je zasnovana na usporedbi ta dva izdanja istovjetnog časopisa, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata, pokušano je predvidjeti budućnost razvoja elektroničkog izdavaštva i njegov utjecaj na grafičku industriju, odnosno mogućnost njegove implementacije u postojeće grafičke sustave.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mrvac, Nikola
Defence date: 19 July 2012
Abstract in english: With the advent of electronic publishing, printed magazines get competition – the e - edition, although they are still current. Media companies must adapt to new conditions, distancing themselves from the traditional publishing model and creating a new, contemporary model of publishing. Unlike the print-ready PDF, e-edition may contain elements which would be useless in print. Electronic edition exploits the advantages of new media, and allows readers to enjoy the interaction, dynamics, and multimedia. Constant development of new devices (gadgets) also contributes to the development of electronic publishing, and new generation operating systems allow the distribution of such materials. Faced with the issue of constant decline in circulation of printed editions, this thesis investigates the impact of electronic publishing on the modern-day consumer. We tested their habits, preferences and opinions about electronic magazines in comparison to conventional, printed magazines. The test was conducted by doing a survey, for which purpose a weekly magazine "Sedmica" - printed and iPad edition was created. The survey was based on a comparison of these two editions of identical magazine, and based on the results of it, an attempt was made to predict the future development of electronic publishing and its impact on the printing industry, and the possibility of its implementation in the current graphics systems.
Uncontrolled Keywords: elektroničko izdavaštvo, elektronički časopis, e-čitač, tablet računalo, iPad časopis
Keywords in english: electronic publishing, electronic magazine, e-Reader, tablet computer, iPad magazine
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 99
Callnumber: mrv 2012 tom
Inventory number: DB124
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:40
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2014 08:11
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/938

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