Fotografija zlatnog doba dana

Erceg, Danijela (2012) Fotografija zlatnog doba dana. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].


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U diplomskom radu se ispituje doba dana, svitanje ili zalazak, kada je fotografima na raspolaganju zlatna, topla svjetlost koja osvjetljava objekte pod specifičnim kutom i stvara poseban ugoĎaj. To je doba posebno pogodno za portrete, siluete i pejzaže.. Teorijski dio analizira način snimanja digitalne fotografije općenito, ali s naglaskom na snimanje fotografija u odreĎenom dijelu dana te analizira kreativni pristup kompoziciji fotografije. Kod analize se posebna pažnja posvećuje izboru i pristupu svjetlu kod fotografije vani te se istražuju prednosti i mane svjetla u periodu koji je definiran kao zlatno doba dana. Kroz teoretski dio se analizira i tehnički i kreativni pristup fotografiji. Praktični dio prikazuje specifičnosti fotografiranja u zlatnom dobu dana, različiti utjecaj svjetla u zlatnom dobu dana na objekte te različite izražaje pomoću različitih tehnika fotografiranja. Praktični dio fokusira se na vrijeme zalaska sunca.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Defence date: 19 September 2012
Abstract in english: This thesis examines particular parts of day, sunrise or sunset, when the photographers can work with golden, warm light which illuminates objects at specific angles and creates a special atmosphere. This part of the day is particularly suitable for portraits, silhouettes and landscapes .. The theoretical part analyzes shooting modes in digital photography in general, but the emphasis is put on capturing images during a certain part of the day. Furthermore, creative approach to the composition of the photography is also examined. In the analysis, particular attention is given to the selection and access to light for the exterior photography, and advantages and disadvantages of light in the period defined as the golden time of day are also looked into. Theoretical section analyses both technical and creative approach to photography. Practical section presents all the peculiarities involved in shooting in the golden time of day, different light effects on objects during the golden time of day and also different expressions using different photography techniques. The practical part focuses mainly on sunset.
Uncontrolled Keywords: digitalna fotografija, zlatno doba dana, kompozicija, prirodno osvjetljenje, kreativna fotografija
Keywords in english: digital photography, the golden hours, composition, natural lighting, creative photography
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 58
Callnumber: mik 2012 erc
Inventory number: DB142
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:40
Last Modified: 24 Apr 2014 13:05

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