Vizualna retorika

Milas, Ivana (2011) Vizualna retorika. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].


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Vizualna retorika je umjetnost izučavanja i uporabe vizualnih elemenata na efikasan i uvjerljiv način s ciljem utjecanja na misli i djelovanje gledaoca. Sama retorika oslanja se na metafore, sličnosti i aluzije. Diplomski rad obrađuje samu teoriju vizualne retorike te njenu prisutnost i način korištenja u oglašavanju, uličnoj umjetnosti te pokretu socijalne afirmacije - Projekt Prljavo Rublje. Istraživanje pod naslovom Spolni stereotipi u oglašavanju provjerava postavljene hipoteze o medijskoj pismenosti te sposobnosti shvaćanja retoričke poruke vizualnih prikaza. Istraživanje se vršilo kvalitativnom metodom anketiranja na odabranom uzorku ispitanika oba spola mlađe i srednje dobi. Dobiveni rezultati analiziraju se s obzirom na postavljene hipoteze koje se potom potvrđuju tj. opovrgavaju.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Pibernik, Jesenka
Defence date: 30 May 2011
Abstract in english: Visual rhetoric is an art of studying and using visual elements in efficient and persuasive way, with purpose to influence viewer’s way of thinking and acting. Rhetoric itself uses metaphors, similarities and allusions. Master thesis focuses on the theory of visual rhetoric, its presence and the way it is being used in advertising, street art and social affirmation movement - The Clothesline Project. Research study under the title Gender Stereotypes in Advertising examines hypotheses on media literacy and ability to understand rhetorical message of images. Research is based on survey’s qualitative methodology and it is carried out on young and middle-aged examinees of both genders. Final results are analyzed with regard to given hypotheses that are than being confirmed or disregarded.v
Uncontrolled Keywords: vizualna retorika, oglašavanje, ulična umjetnost, spolni stereotipi, medijska pismenost
Keywords in english: visual rhetoric, advertising, street art, gender stereotypes, media literacy
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 102
Callnumber: pib 2011 mil
Inventory number: DB32
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:44
Last Modified: 30 Apr 2014 10:42

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