Stohastička tipografija u sigurnosnoj grafici

Stanić Loknar, Nikolina (2010) Stohastička tipografija u sigurnosnoj grafici. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pap, Klaudio].

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Disertacija proširuje i otvara novi pristup kreiranja tipografije u sigurnosnoj grafici. Tijekom više godina istraživanja uoceno je da ovakva tema nije obradivana i prezentirana preko stohastickog pristupa. Pokazala se potreba za uvodenjem vlastitih programskih rješenja izvedenih unutar PostScript jezika na mutacijskoj tipografiji. Prezentirani su fontovi nastali upotrebom digitalnih alata i njihova upotreba u zaštitnoj tipografiji. Projektira se mutacija novih fontova na vrijednosnicama i dokumentima. Mutacije su izvedene provlacenjem tekstova kroz unaprijed stvorene programe. U radu se prezentiraju gradacije svjetline tonova pismovnog reza izvedenih u mikrotipografiji. Osim zaštitnih svojstava mikrotipografija nudi i individualna dizajnerska rješenja. Predstavljeni su novi rasterski elementi cija upotreba je omogucena razvojem digitalnog tiska. Stohasticki pristup i stvaranje generatora slucajnih brojeva omogucio je kreiranje zaštitnih tipografskih rješenja baziranih na pseudoslucajnom izboru rasterskih elemenata, linijature i kutova rastera. Uvodi se i rastriranje pomocu originalno projektiranih oblika rasterskih elemenata - slovnih znakova. Kreirani su piktogrami u obliku slovnih znakova, te u svrhe kreiranja posebno oblikovanih rasterskih elemenata. Na njima su provedena mjerenja pokrivenosti svih znakova pojedinih fontova, te su uspješno korišteni kao rasterski elementi stvarajuci reprodukcije na nov nacin. Izvedene su programske deformacije piksela koje omogucuju dodatnu zaštitu prilikom pokušaja krivotvorenja vrijednosnica. Upotrebom nekoliko razlicitih generatora slucajnih brojeva postiže se potpuna nezavisnost pojedinih parametara u programima i poboljšavaju se zaštitna svojstva takvih rješenja. Dokazane su prednosti tipografije nad linijskom grafikom u podrucju zaštite dokumenata. Prilikom istraživanja se ušlo u grafiku za infracrveni dio spektra kako bi se istražile mogucnosti stvaranja zaštitne tipografske informacije u tom podrucju. Razvojem uredaja, instrumenata i alata proširuju se mogucnosti krivotvorenja vrijednosnica pa je potreba za novim sigurnosnim elementima i oblicima zaštite narocito izražena.

Item Type: Dissertation (PhD) thesis
Mentor name: Pap, Klaudio
Thesis Committee: Žiljak, Vilko and Pap, Klaudio and Agić, Darko and Koren, Antun and Boras, Damir and Barišić, Mario
Defence date: 5 November 2010
Abstract in english: This dissertation widens the range and opens a new approach to creating typography in security graphics. During several years of research it has been noticed that this subject has not been yet elaborated or presented through the stochastic approach. There was a need to introduce one's own program solutions carried out within the Post Script language on mutational typography. Fonts that were created by using digital tools are presented here as well as their use in security typography. Mutation of new fonts is being designed in securities and documents. The mutations are carried out by having texts go through programs created in advance. The paper presents gradation of the letter cut shade brightness carried out in micro typography. Besides offering security properties, micro typography also offers individual design solutions. New screening elements are introduced, the use of which is made possible with the development of digital printing. The stochastic approach and creating of random number generators have made it possible to create security typographic designs based on pseudo random screening element, liniature and screening angle choice. Screening with the help of originally designed screening element forms – alphabetic characters is also introduced. Pictograms in the form of characters have been designed with the goal of creating specially formed screening elements. Measurements have been made as to the covering capacity of all characters belonging to some fonts, and they have been successfully used as screening elements that produce reproductions in a new manner. Pixel program deformations were carried out that provide additional protection against efforts to counterfeit securities. With the use of several different random number generators, complete independence of certain parameters in the programs is achieved, and the security characteristics of such solutions are improved. The advantages of typography over linear graphics are proven in the area of document security. During research work the area of graphics linked with the infrared spectre area has also been entered in order to investigate the possibilities in creating security typographic information in this area too. With the development of device, instruments and tools the possibilities of security counterfeiting are growing, so the need for new security elements and forms of protection is especially pronounced.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tipografija, stohastika, sigurnosna grafika, rasterski elementi
Keywords in english: typography, stochastic, security graphics, screening elements
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 162
Callnumber: 655.2:004.91 sta d
Inventory number: 8855
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:47
Last Modified: 30 Apr 2014 08:14

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