Miljković, Petar (2012) Model integracije digitalnih radnih tokova revijalne proizvodnje. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Žiljak, Vilko].
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Predložen je model integracije digitalnih radnih tijekova revijalne proizvodnje koji povezuje podatke od pripremnog odjela do grafičke dorade. Iznijete su tvrdnje kojima se opravdava implementacija sistema digitalnog upravljanja procesima tiska. Eksperimentalno je dokazan način primjene programskog računarstva i usmjerenih aplikacija čime su unaprijeđeni postupci za automatizirane radne procese. Provedena su mjerenja normativa revijalne proizvodnje i tiska iz arka, a vrijednosti su unijete u bazu podataka. Mrežna komunikacija diferentnih grafičkih odjela (Prepress, Press and Postpress) integrira radne protokole kroz resursne čvorove upravljanja. Alati za realizaciju izmjerenih normativa, programski su simulatori kojima se modeliraju novi radni hodogrami. Prijedlozi modela upravljanja opisani su kao proizvodne veličine čime su uklonjeni nedostatci iz eksperimentiranja na realnoj proizvodnji. Stvoreni su novi čvorovi distribucije na temelju simuliranih vrijednosti za izmjenu procesnih podataka o grafičkom proizvodu. Radni protokol na intranet lokalnoj mreži provodi se daljinskim upravljanjem. Komunikacija je iskazana vertikalnim MIS (Management Information Systems) i horizontalnim JDF (Job Definition Format) zglobovima umreženja. Tablične vrijednosti početnih varijabli sadržavaju tehničke podatke tiskarskih strojeva s elementima tiska. Rezultatima istraživanja dokazana je različitost rentabilnosti na heatset rotacijama (Polyman 45 A4 16 stranica i Lithoman A4 32 stranice) tiskarskih strojeva. Tvrdnje iznijete u ovoj radnji realiziraju automatizam izvršnih lista tehnološke pripreme rada za distribuciju odjelima revijalnog tiska. Ostvarena poboljšanja upravljanja proizvodnih procesa produkt su implementacije CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) upravljanja, opisana predloženim modelima. Postavljeni standardi realizirani su kroz nove načine upravljanja te integrirani s instaliranim resursima. Opisane specifičnosti revijalne proizvodnje ugrađene su u baze podataka, čime je računalna upravljivost iskazana varijablama u modelima tiskarke proizvodnje. Prema dobivenim rezultatima iz simulacije revijalne proizvodnje određuju se novi hodogrami grafičke produkcije. Izbjegnuta su tehnološka zagušenja kao i nerentabilna izvedba tiskanog proizvoda. Rezultati eksperimentiranja iskazani su dijagramima njihove funkcionalnosti s kritičkim osvrtom na dobivene rezultate.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Žiljak, Vilko |
Thesis Committee: | Pap, Klaudio and Žiljak, Vilko and Boras, Damir and Agić, Darko and Barišić, Mario |
Defence date: | 19 March 2012 |
Abstract in english: | The proposed model of integration of digital workflows of revue production connects the data from the preparatory department to the graphics processing. The presented arguments justify the implementation of digital control system of the printing process. The method of applying the corresponding software and oriented applications has been proved through experiments, which improved the procedures for automated workflows. The measurements of the standards of the show/revue production and printing of the sheet were performed, and the values were entered into the database. The network communication among different graphics departments (Prepress, Press and Postpress) integrates the work protocols through nodes of resource management. The tools for the realization of the measured standards are programming simulators which are used to model workflows. The proposed management models are described as values of production which removed the disadvantages of experiments in the real production. The new nodes are created, based on the distribution of the simulated values for the exchange of process data on the graphic product. The working protocol on the intranet local network is carried out by remote control. The communication is carried out by vertical (MIS) and horizontal (JDF) networking nodes. The values of the initial variables, presented in the table, contain technical data of printing machines with elements of the press/print. The research results have demonstrated the persistence of profitability in different rotations (Polyman 45 A4 16 pages and Lithoman A4 32 pages) of large presses. The claims presented in this paper implement the automatism of the execution lists of technological preparation of work for distribution to departments of the revue press. The achieved improvements in management of production processes are the product of the implementation of CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) management, as described by the proposed models. The proposed standards are implemented through the new ways of management and integrated with the installed resources. The presented specifics of the show/revue production are incorporated into the database. Thus, the computer handling could be described by variables in the models of the printing production. The new workflows of graphics production have been set according to the results obtained from the simulations of the show/revue production. The technological congestions and the unprofitable creation of the printed products have thus been avoided. The results of the experiments are shown in the diagrams of their functionality with a critical review of the results. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | baza podataka, CIM, CIP3/4, JDF, MIS, model tiskarske proizvodnje, Petri mreže, revijalna proizvodnja, simulacija radnih tijekova, tiskarstvo, XML |
Keywords in english: | database, CIM, CIP3/4, JDF, MIS, print production model, Petri nets, revue manufacturing, simulation of workflows, printing, XML |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 217 |
Callnumber: | 655.3.026 milj d |
Inventory number: | 9130 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:47 |
Last Modified: | 29 Apr 2014 13:35 |
URI: | |
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