Matijević, Mile (2013) Vizualni efekti proširivanja i simultanoga kontrasta u grafičkoj komunikaciji. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Mrvac, Nikola].
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Sustavi i metode vizualne komunikacije na kojima se temelje reprodukcijski procesi grafičke tehnologije svakodnevno se unapređuju s novim saznanjima vezanima uz rezultate istraživanja pojedinih vizualnih efekata. Suvremeni trendovi istraživanja usmjereni su, osim prema novim idejama i elementima, i prema određivanju razlike u kvaliteti grafičkih reprodukcija u slučaju manifestacije različitih vrsta vizualnih efekata. U okviru istraživačkih aktivnosti vezanih uz ovu disertaciju provest će se istraživanje utjecaja vizualnih efekata proširivanja i simultanog kontrasta koji izazivaju pomak pojavnosti boje nekog stimulusa na kvalitativne karakteristike otisnutog grafičkog proizvoda. Također će se istražiti percepcija kvalitete u okviru "cross-media" reprodukcijskog sustava, a s obzirom na različita dizajnerska rješenja i različite kombinacije primarnih boja aditivne i suptraktivne sinteze. Navedeni će se efekti procjenjivat u različitim uvjetima promatranja (laboratorijski i realni) koristeći četiri standardne metode renderiranja (percepcijsko, saturacijsko, apsolutno kolorimetrijsko, relativno kolorimetrijsko). U skladu s metodologijom istraživanja, kreirane su testne forme, a prilikom kreiranja testnih uzoraka, kao osnova od koje se polazilo, uzet je Whiteov efekt (Groundal dotted illusion, Figural dotted illusion) koji je modificiran kako bi se ostvarili ciljevi rada. Intenzitet efekata je prikazan izračunatim statističkim razlikama u boji ΔE00, a pomak pojavnosti boje statističkim razlikama percepcijskih atributa boje - promjenom svjetline ΔL00, promjenom kromatičnosti ΔC00 i promjenom tona ΔH00. Na osnovi rezultata dobivenih istraživanjem, dane su smjernice vezane za oblikovanje i otiskivanje grafičkih proizvoda u situacijama kada se može očekivati manifestacija vizualnih efekata proširivanja i simultanog kontrasta, a koja bi mogla utjecati na kvalitativne parametre grafičkog proizvoda.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Mrvac, Nikola |
Thesis Committee: | Bolanča, Stanislav and Mrvac, Nikola and Milković, Marin and Modrić, Damir and Radošević, Danijel |
Defence date: | 6 February 2013 |
Abstract in english: | Systems and methods of visual communication on which reproductive processes graphics technology are based are daily improved with new knowledge related to the results of studies on specific visual effects. In addition to the new ideas and elements of contemporary research trends are directed towards determining the difference in the quality of graphic reproduction in the case of events of different kinds of visual effects. Related to this thesis as part of research activities will be carried out the influence of visual effects of expansion and simultaneous contrast causes a shift in the color appearance of a stimulus on the qualitative characteristics of printed graphic products. It will also research the quality of perception of the "cross-media" reproductive system taking into account the different designs and different combinations of the primary colors of additive and subtractive synthesis. These effects will be assessed in different viewing conditions (laboratory and real) using four standard methods of rendering (perceptual, saturation, absolute colorimetric, relative colorimetric) In accordance with the methodology of the research test forms are designed and starting point for creating these patterns are used White's effect (Groundal dotted illusion, Figural dotted illusion), which has been modified in order to achieve the goals of this work. In the calculated statistical differences is shown the intensity of the effects in color ΔE00, while the shift of the incidence of the statistical differences in perceptual color attributes of color is shown in changing brightness ΔL00, changing the chromaticity ΔC00 and changing tone ΔH00. Guidelines are given on the basis of the results obtained in this investigation regarding the design and printing of graphic products in situations where we can expect a visual manifestation of the effects of expansion and simultaneous contrast and which could affect the quality parameters of the printed products are given. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | simultani kontrast, proširivanje, renderiranje, Whiteov efekt, grafička reprodukcija |
Keywords in english: | simultaneous contrast, spreading, rendering, White's effect, graphic reproduction |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 311 |
Callnumber: | 778.18:535.6 mat d |
Inventory number: | 9361 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 29 Apr 2014 13:19 |
Last Modified: | 29 Apr 2014 13:19 |
URI: | |
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