Redizajn vizualnog identiteta tvrtke Walker

Herceg, Marina (2014) Redizajn vizualnog identiteta tvrtke Walker. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Brozović, Maja].

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Cilj ovog rada je bio izrada vizualnog identiteta tvrtke Walker obuća i redizajn postojećeg logotipa. U današnjem svijetu gdje je tržište veliko sve je teže biti primijećen. U tome uvelike pomaže snažan vizualni identitet. Izgradnjom kvalitetnog vizualnog identiteta i u ovom slučaju redizajnom postojećeg lošeg identiteta tvrtke, puno je jednostavnije lansiranje novih proizvoda i usluga uz postojeće linije. Mnogi ne posvećuju dovoljno pažnje ili uopće ne posvećuju ovom važnom aspektu tvrtke. Uspješan vizualni identitet stvara trajan dojam i ojačava brand. Također, uz dobru promociju pomaže i boljem poslovanju tvrtke, naravno uz kvalitetu usluge. Ovaj rad će se osvrnuti na teoriju i korisnost kvalitetnog vizualnog identiteta i elemente koji na to utječu, na analizu srodne konkurencije, istraživanje ciljane skupine i provođenje ankete unutar ciljane skupine te dizajn vizualnog identiteta koji će se prilagoditi prema dobivenim rezultatima. U praktičnom dijelu će se razraditi više prijedloga redizajna i provesti testiranje unutar ciljane skupine. Nakon svih analiza, istraživanja i suglasnosti klijenta s dobivenim rješenjem kreće se u izradu knjige standarda.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Brozović, Maja
Defence date: 23 September 2014
Abstract in english: The aim of this study is to create visual identity of the Walker obuća company and to redesign existing logotype. In today’s world, where market is big, it is increasingly difficult to be noticed. In being so, strong visual identity helps a lot. By creation of good quality visual identity and in this case with redesign of existing bad company identity, it is much easier to launch new products and services along with existing lines. Many do not pay enough attention or do not pay attention at all to this important aspect of the company. A successful visual identity creates a lasting impression and strengthens the brand. Also, with good promotion helps a better business performance of the company, of course, with the quality of service. This study will discuss the theory and utility of high-quality visual identity and elements that affect it, analyze related competition, target group research and conducting surveys within the target group as well the visual identity design customized according to the results. In the practical part several suggestions of redesign will be developed and testing within the target group will be conducted. After all analysis, research and the client's consent with the obtained solution, book of standards will be made.
Uncontrolled Keywords: vizualni identitet, redizajn, brand, logotip
Keywords in english: visual identity, redesign, brand, logotype
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 69
Callnumber: bro 2014 her
Inventory number: DB368
Depositing User: Antonia Grgurović
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2014 08:41
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2014 08:41

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