Rastriranje hrvatskih i europskih tiskovina

Bijelonjić, Tomislav (2015) Rastriranje hrvatskih i europskih tiskovina. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].


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Ovim završnim radom ispitati će se kvaliteta tiska, hrvatskih i europskih tiskovina, ovisno o tehnikama rastriranja. Detaljnom analizom otisaka utvrdit će se dolazi li do pojave deformacije rasterskih elemenata, koja je direktno povezana s kvalitetom tiska. Samim time prikazat će se na koji način uočiti spomenutu pojavu te koji su uzroci nastajanja. U teorijskom dijelu nabrojane su vrste rastriranja, gdje je svaka od njih detaljno objašnjena. Također se opširnije opisuje deformacija rasterskih elemenata, a objašnjeni su najvažniji parametri koji smanjuju kvalitetu tiska. Eksperimentalni dio odnosi se na praktičan dio završnog rada. Opisuje se tijek rada te korišteni mjerni uređaji i oprema. Zatim se prilažu i analiziraju dobiveni rezultati te se u konačnici dolazi do zaključka. Ispitivanjem se ustanovilo koje metode rastriranja su korištene kod pojedinih tiskovina, dolazi li do prirasta rastertonske vrijednosti, odnosno deformacije rasterskih elemenata te na samom kraju utvrđeno je postoji li razlika u kvaliteti (ovisno o navedenim parametrima) između hrvatskih i europskih tiskovina.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Zjakić, Igor
Defence date: 7 September 2015
Abstract in english: This final work will examine the quality of the press, Croatian and European, depending on the bit-mapping techniques. Detailed analysis of the prints will determine whether it comes to the deformation of the screen elements, which is directly linked to the quality of printing. Thus it will be shown how to spot mentioned phenomena and the causes of formation. In the theoretical part there are listed types of screening, where each of them is explained in detail. Also, deformation of the screen elements is further explained as well as the most important parameters that reduce print quality. Experimental part is the practical part of this work. It describes the workflow and the measuring devices and equipment that were used. Then the results are being attached and analyzed and ultimately it comes to the conclusion. The test found which screening methods are used for specific printed matter, if it comes to dot gain or deformation of the screen elements, and at the very end it is determined whether there is a difference in quality (depending on the specified parameters) between the Croatian and European press.
Uncontrolled Keywords: kvaliteta, raster, deformacija rasterskog elementa, tisak, prirast rastertonske vrijednosti
Keywords in english: quality, raster, deformation of the screen element, press, dot gain
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 28
Callnumber: zja 2015 bij
Inventory number: Z591
Depositing User: Antonia Grgurović
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 08 Sep 2015 08:40
Last Modified: 08 Sep 2015 08:40
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2278

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