Izrada hyperlapse videa u promotivne svrhe

Tunuković, Barbara (2015) Izrada hyperlapse videa u promotivne svrhe. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].


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Diplomski rad temelji se na novoj i sve popularnijoj fotografskoj tehnici Hyperlapse, čiji je konačni produkt atraktivan video u kojem se stvara dojam bržeg prolaska vremena. Hyperlapse je vrsta Timelapsea s velikom količinom kretanja što se postiže pomicanjem fotoaparata, u istom intervalu u vremenu i prostoru. Fotografiranjem niza fotografija u određenim intervalima, i spajanjem istih, dobiven je video materijal. Budući da je frekvencija snimljenih fotografija niža nego prikaz u samom videu, postiže se dojam da vrijeme brže prolazi. Timelapse video ima od 15 do 30 sličica u sekundi pa se za projekt izdvaja velika količina vremena. Glavna razlika između Hyperlapse i Timelapse tehnike fotografiranja je pokret. Hyperlapse koristi istu tehniku fotografiranja kao Timelapse, ali umjesto fiksnog stajališta kamera se kreće, te osim brzog prolaska vremena daje dojam glatkog klizanja ili pak masivnu brzinu. Pravi Hyperlapse video dobiva se pomoću DSLR fotoaparata na stativu i naknadne obrade fotografija u programima među kojima se najčešće koriste Adobe Lightroom, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere. Danas se takav video može realizirati čak i na pametnim telefonima pomoću raznih aplikacije od kojih je na tržištu najpoznatija „Hyperlapse“ aplikacija na Instagramu za iPhone. U ovom radu bit će prikazan proces izrade Hyperlapse videa u promotivnu svrhu te usporedba pojedinih videa realiziranih klasičnim načinom izrade Hyperlapsea i pomoću programa na mobilnom telefonu.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Thesis Committee: Poljičak, Ante and Strgar Kurečić, Maja and Mandić, Lidija
Defence date: 6 October 2015
Abstract in english: Master thesis is based on a new and increasingly popular photography technique Hyperlapse, whose final product is attractive video in which gives an impression of faster passage of time. Hyperlapse is type of Timelapse with a large amount of movement, which is achieved by moving the camera, at the same interval of time and space. Shooting a series of photos at certain intervals, and merging them, the video is created. Since the frequency of pictures taken is lower than the display in the video, the impression that time goes faster is achieved. Timelapse video contains from 15 to 30 frames per second, so the project extracts a large amount of time. The main difference between Hyperlapse and Timelapse shooting technique is movement. Hyperlapse uses the same technique as Timelapse photography, but instead of a fixed point of view camera is moving, and in addition to the rapid passing of time gives the impression of a smooth sliding or massive speed. The real Hyperlapse video is created with DSLR camera on a tripod and additional image processing software such as Adobe Lightroom, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere. Today, such video can be made using smart phones that contain variety of applications, of which the most famous is "Hyperlapse" application on Instagram for iPhone. In this work will be shown the process of making Hyperlapse videos for promotional purposes and comparison of individual videos realized with conventional way of making Hyperlapsea and using a mobile phone.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hyperlapse, Timelapse, digitalana obrada fotografije, video
Keywords in english: Hyperlapse, Timelapse, digital photo processing, video
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 47
Callnumber: str 2015 tun
Inventory number: DB446
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2015 11:31
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2015 08:07
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2408

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