Medek, Goran (2018) Kartonska ambalaža i utjecajni čimbenici ekološke održivosti = Cardboard packaging and influential factors of environmental sustainability. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bolanča Mirković, Ivana].
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U posljednje vrijeme ekološka održivost tiskane kartonske ambalaže kao i sigurnost, posebno one za prehrambene i farmaceutske proizvode, značajno je područje istraživanja. Kako osigurati upotrebljivu ambalažu i ujedno zaštiti okoliš, proizvod, zdravlje i sigurnost potrošača, uključujući najbolje dostupne tehnologije, zatvoreni kružni tok, protok energije i materijala, temelj je održivog razvoja i unutar toga ekološke održivosti. Upravo zato neophodna su istraživanja i razvoj počevši od održivog grafičkog dizajna i materijala preko proizvodnje, tiska na ambalaži, doradnih procesa te korištenja i zbrinjavanja iskorištenog proizvoda. U ovom radu izvršena istraživanja su koncipirana uz podršku eksperimentalnog dizajna. Uzorci za istraživanje otisnuti su u ofsetnoj tehnici tiska i dijele se u 18 serija u ovisnosti o korištenim grafičkim materijalima. Koriste se kombinacije varijabli kako slijedi: kartoni (reciklirana i djevičanska vlakana te FSC vlakna i alge iz Jadranskog mora), bojila (bez mineralnih ulja koja se razlikuju po udjelu obnovljive sirovine i inventivnoj kombinaciji smola/ulje te bojilo na osnovi mineralnog ulja), lakovi (vodo-disperzivni, UV sušeći lak i nelakirani otisci). Istražuje se utjecaj definiranih uvjeta okoliša (utjecaj sunčevog zračenja kroz staklo, dinamikom od 7, 14, 28, 56 i 112 dana tijekom ljeta) na neka optička svojstva za separacije CMYK bojila za otiske punog tona, 70 %, 50 % i 30 % RTV. Osim toga utvrđuje se utjecaj izlaganja otisaka ubrzanom termičkom starenju u zraku bez/sa NO2 u koncentracijama 100 ppm i 800 ppm dinamikom od 1 do 5 dana. Treća cjelina odnosi se na utvrđivanje efikasnosti procesa povrata iskorištenih vlakanaca i određivanje karakteristika listova dobivenih od oporabljenih vlakanaca. Za statističku obradu podataka koristi se više faktorska analiza varijanci. Rezultatima dobivenim mjerenjem relevantnih optičkih pokazatelja, dokazane su promjene nastale korištenjem bojila inovativnog sastava uključujući udjel i vrstu obnovljive sirovine u kombinaciji s kartonima s alternativnom sirovinom-zelenom algom iz Jadranskog mora. Pri valorizaciji promjena u kromatskim karakteristikama otisaka sa separacijama CMYK bojila u ovisnosti o RTV (100 %, 70 %, 50 % i 30 %) definiran je utjecaj interakcije bojilo/podloga, dinamika i specifičnosti izlaganja otisaka sunčevom zračenju kroz prozorsko staklo i ubrzanom termičkim starenjem bez/sa NO2. Laboratorijski izrađeni listovi od vlakanca dobivenim oporabom otisaka metodom u tri faze imaju zadovoljavajuća svojstva, koja se očekuju od ekološko prihvatljivog papira.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Bolanča Mirković, Ivana |
Thesis Committee: | Majnarić, Igor and Banić, Dubravko and Parac-Osterman, Đurđica |
Defence date: | 7 September 2018 |
Abstract in english: | The environmental sustainability of cardboard packaging as well as safety, especially those for food and pharmaceutical products is a recently significant area of research. How to provide usable packaging and protect the environment, product, health and consumer safety, including the best available technologies, closed circular flow, energy and material flow at the same time, is the basis for sustainable development and with in ecological sustainability. That is the reason why researches and development are necessary starting with sustainable graphic design and materials, production, printing on packaging, finishing processes, use and disposal of the product used. The researches carried out in this paper were conceived with the support of experimental design. Samples for research are printed in offset printing. A special printing form is designed that contains the following printing elements: a standard CMYK stapler wedge ranging from 10 % to 100 % RTV values, a color illustration of the packaging product and a standard wedge of 378 fields for ICC profiles. Samples are divided into 18 series depending of the used graphical material. Various combinations of variables are used: cartons (recycled and virgin fibers and FSC fibers and algae from the Adriatic Sea), inks (without mineral oils differing in the proportion of renewable raw materials and inventive combination of resin / oil and mineral oil based inks), varnishes (water-dispersive varnish, UV cured varnish, and non-varnishes prints). The first part of the research: Determining the impact of defined environmental conditions on ΔL *, Δa *, Δb * and ΔE * for the separation of CMYK ink full tone, 70 %, 50 % and 30 % RTV, including all series of measurements. Samples are exposed to the effect of solar radiation through the windows glass at a dynamic of 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days during the summer. By using experimental design, statistical models are created and relevant meteorological factors are also taken into account. The second part of the research: Exposure of the imprints to accelerated thermal ageing at air without NO2 presence and with it. The prints are exposed at concentrations of 100 and 800 ppm of NO2 with a dynamics of 1 to 5 days. The colorimetric characteristics of the prints ΔL *, Δa *, Δb * and ΔE * are determined for the separation of CMYK ink, for full tone printing, 70 %, 50 % and 30 % of RTV values. Using statistical methods, the impact of defined variables on the experimental unit property is monitored.The third part of the research refers to the efficiency of reusing of prints and the determination of optical characteristics of handsheets made from recovered fibers including image analysis, brightness and effective resional ink concentration. For statistical data processing a multifactorial analysis of variances is used. The results obtained by measuring the relevant optical parameters have been demonstrated by changes in the use of innovative inks composition including the share and type of renewable raw material combined with cardboard with alternative raw material - green algae from the Adriatic Sea. When evaluating changes in chromatographic characteristics of CMYK color separation prints depending on RTV (100 %, 70 %, 50 % and 30 %), the influence of inks / substrate interaction, dynamic and specificity of exposure to sunlight exposure through window glass and accelerated thermal aging without or with NO2. Laboratory handsheets made of fibers obtained by the recovery of prints by the three-phase method have satisfactory properties, expected from ecologically acceptable paper. Using multivariate analysis, conclusions are drawn in the context of optimization of research processes and new formulations of some graphic materials and are particularly important in the design of environmentally sustainable graphical products. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | kartonska ambalaža, ekološka održivost, ofsetni otisci, alternativna vlakna, inventivna bojila, lakovi, postojanost otisaka, sunčevo zračenje, ubrzano termičko starenje, ubrzano termičko starenje s NO2, oporaba otisaka, višefaktorska analiza varijanci |
Keywords in english: | carton packaging, ecological sustainability, offset printing, alternative fibers, inventive inks, varnishes, permanence of prints, solar radiation through windows glass, accelerated thermal aging, accelerated thermal aging with NO2, print reuse |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 283 |
Callnumber: | 502:621.798:655.3.022.6 |
Inventory number: | 10248 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 28 Jan 2019 12:12 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jan 2019 12:12 |
URI: | |
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