Analiza konstruktivnih karakteristika strojeva za novinski tisak

Bajs, Ozren (2016) Analiza konstruktivnih karakteristika strojeva za novinski tisak. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Banić, Dubravko].


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U završnom radu istraženo je koliko nova tehnologija i automatizacija strojeva doprinosi lakšem i učinkovitijem rukovanju offsetnim strojem za novinski tisak. Istraženo je i analizirano koje su promjene u pristupu održavanju stroja i koliko je održavanje novog stroja promijenjeno s obzirom na drugi stariji stroj u grafičkoj proizvodnji.Također je napravljena analiza grešaka koje se javljaju na stroju tijekom korištenja u nekom razdoblju. Eksperimentalni dio završnog rada rađen je u tiskari koja posjeduje raznolik strojni park, na modelima strojeva vodećih proizvođača grafičkih postrojenja koji daju uvjete za usporedbu razvoja automatizacije i održavanje grafičkih strojeva.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Banić, Dubravko
Thesis Committee: Lajić, Branka and Banić, Dubravko and Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana
Defence date: 5 July 2016
Abstract in english: The present graduation work investigates in which way new technology and automatisation of the equipment contribute to easier and more efficient operation of offset machines for printing of newspapers. The work investigates and analyzes the changes that occured in the approach towards equipment maintenance as well as the comparison of maintenance of the new machine with respect to other older machines in the graphic production. Furthermore, the analysis of errors that occur within a certain period of its usage has been made. The experimental part of the graduation work was carried out in a printing house that owns a diversified machinery park and on machines fabricated by leading manufacturers of printing plants that provide conditions to compare the development of automatisation and maintenance of printing machines.
Uncontrolled Keywords: offsetni stroj za novinski tisak, automatizacija, održavanje
Keywords in english: offset machine for printing newspapers, automatisation
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 42
Callnumber: BAN 2016 BAJ
Inventory number: Z696
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2016 09:57
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2016 09:57

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