Bracić, Mario (2017) Utjecaj krutosti papira na kvalitetu bešavne forme s PUR ljepilom. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana].
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Knjiga osim zadovoljavanja osnovnih knjigoveških kriterija nudi i sadržajne momente, što izravno znači da uvez knjige mora biti prilagođen njezinom značenju. Na prvom mjestu, meko uvezana knjiga treba zadovoljiti vizualna i taktilna osjetila čitatelja. Drugo, uvez knjige treba biti izdržljiv i prikladan za korištenje. Treće, svaka knjiga treba zadovoljavati potrebe čitatelja odnosno zahtjeve tržišta. Poduzimanje potrebitih mjera u postizanju njezine kvalitete odnosno izdržljivosti zahtjeva potpuno poznavanje grafičkog materijala (papir, ljepilo) i tehnologija bešavne (lijepljene) forme uveza. Svojstva papira imaju izravan utjecaj na kvalitetu uveza samo onda ako je vrsta ljepila uskladiva s papirom. Dakle adhezivnost papira (bindabylity), krutost papira (drapeability), format knjige i debljina hrpta knjižnog bloka neki su od čimbenika koji djeluju izravno na otvaranja i listanja stranica knjige. Kvaliteta uveza utvrđena je samo onda ako u momentu njezina otvaranja listovi stranica obiju polovica knjige čine jednu naslagu koja od linije uveza naglo rastu, a zatim se blago spušta prema njezinim krajevima svaka na svoju stranu. Cilj je istražiti utjecaj debljine papira na kvalitetu uveza s PUR ljepilom. Pretpostavlja se kako manje gramature premazanih papira daju bolju kvalitetu uveza za veće opsege knjižnog bloka. Korištenjem kvantitativnih metoda vrednovanja krutosti papira na slobodni pad i čvrstoće knjižnog bloka utvrditi će istinitost tvrdnje.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana |
Thesis Committee: | Banić, Dubravko and Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana and Lajić, Branka |
Defence date: | 7 July 2017 |
Abstract in english: | The book besides satisfying the basic book-critics also offers content, which means that the book binding must be adapted to its meaning. In the first place, a softly bound book should satisfy the visual and tactile sensations of the reader. Second of all, the book binding should be durable and convenient to use. Third, each book should meet the needs of the reader or the market demands. Taking the necessary measures to achieve its quality or durability requires full knowledge of graphic material (paper, glue) and seamless bonding technology. Paper properties have a direct impact on the quality of the binding only if the adhesive type is synchronous with the paper. Thus, bindability, drapeability, book format, and the thickness of the library block are some of the factors that directly affect the opening and browsing of a book's pages. The quality of the collar is only established if at the moment of its opening, the pages of the open book make up a resemblance that suddenly grows from the binding line, then tread treadily towards each other's side. The aim is to investigate the effect of paper thickness on the quality of the PUR glue. It is assumed that less grammage of coated paper yields better binding quality for larger bookcase ranges. By using quantitative methods of paper stiffness determination on the free fall and strength of the library block, it will determine the truth of the claim. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | meki uvez, krutost papira, čvrstoća knjižnog bloka, PUR ljepilo |
Keywords in english: | soft binding, paper stiffness, library block strength, PUR glue |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 65 |
Callnumber: | PAS 2017 BRA |
Inventory number: | DB637 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 28 Jul 2017 08:14 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jul 2017 08:14 |
URI: | |
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