Zaštita osobnih podataka na identifikacijskim dokumentima

Meštrović, Mato (2018) Zaštita osobnih podataka na identifikacijskim dokumentima. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Modrić, Damir].


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Zbog raznih manipulacija, krivotvorenja i zlouporabe podataka na identifikacijskim dokumentima, putnim ispravama i bankovnim karticama stalno se usavršavaju elementi zaštite takvih dokumenata. Razvoj polimernih materijala kao što su polivinil klorid (PVC), polietilen teraphtalat (PET), teslin, kompozit PET/PVC i drugi materijali od kojih se izrađuju kartice za identifikacijske dokumente, omogućio je razne metode zaštite koje se konstantno usavršavaju i dorađuju. Ovisno o vrsti materijala i elementima zaštite koji se ugrađuju u karticu postoje i razne metode odnosno tehnike izrade takvih kartica. Polimerni materijali su zbog svoje tvrdoće, otpornosti na vlagu i oštećenje pogodan materijal za izradu dokumenata i kartica. Razvoj optički varijabilnih boja, fluorescentnih boja, infracrvenih boja i sl. omogućio je i razvoj dodatnih elemenata zaštite identifikacijskih dokumenata, a razni čipovi omogućuju pohranu većeg broja osobnih podataka, odnosno informacija o vlasniku kartice.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Modrić, Damir
Thesis Committee: Dragčević, Krešimir and Modrić, Damir and Donevski, Davor
Defence date: 19 September 2018
Abstract in english: Due to various manipulations, forgery and misuse of information on identification documents, travel documents and bank cards, the elements of such documents are constantly being improved. The development of polymeric materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene thalhthalate (PET), teslin, PET / PVC composite and other materials from which ID cards are produced have provided various protection methods that are constantly refined and refined. Depending on the type of material and the protection elements embedded in the card there are various methods or techniques for making such cards. Because of its hardness, moisture and damage resistance, polymeric materials are suitable for document and card making. The development of optically variable colors, fluorescent colors, infrared colors etc. has also enabled the development of additional elements of protection of identification documents, and various integrated circuits allow the storage of a large number of personal data, i.e. card owner information.
Uncontrolled Keywords: identifikacijski dokumenti, zaštita dokumenata, tehnologija izrade kartica
Keywords in english: identification documents, document protection, card technology
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 29
Callnumber: MOD 2018 MEŠ
Inventory number: Z882
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2018 12:44
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2018 12:44

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