Huzjak, Juraj (2021) Utjecaj temperature kao okolišnog faktora na stabilnost termokromnih otisaka. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Vukoje, Marina].
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Pametni reaktivni materijali mijenjaju svoja svojstva kao odgovor na vanjske podražaje, poput temperature, tlaka, svjetlosti, pH, magnetskog i električnog polja ili izloženosti vlazi i kemijskim spojevima. Termokromni materijali mijenjaju obojenje sukladno promijeni temperature. Termokromni otisci mogu biti izloženi visokim temperaturama prilikom transporta i skladištenja. To izlaganje može uzrokovati trajne nepovratne promjene u obojenju otiska i samim time utjecati na njegovu funkcionalnost. Stoga je u ovom radu ispitan utjecaj temperature na stabilnost termokromnog otiska. Kako bi se odredila funkcionalnost UV sušećih termokromnih sitotiskarskih otisaka različitih aktivacijskih temperatura (12⁰C i 31⁰C) nakon izlaganja visokim temperaturama, provedena je usporedba dvaju testova na temperaturne ekstreme od 50 i 100⁰C. Otisci su izloženi djelovanju temperature od 50⁰C u sušioniku tijekom 30 min, 24h, 48h i 72h, te ekstremno visokoj temperaturi od 100⁰C u trajanju samo od 30 min uz pretpostavku da termokromni otisci neće biti dugotrajno izloženi ekstremno visokoj temperaturi. Utjecaj temperature na stabilnost TC otiska određena je kolorimetrijskim mjerenjem i određivanjem razlike u boji pomoću formule ukupne razlike boja CIEDE2000. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako izlaganje termokromne boje na visokim temperaturama utječe na promjenu njenih kolorimetrijskih parametara i samim time na funkcionalnost TC otiska.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Vukoje, Marina |
Thesis Committee: | Bolanča Mirković, Ivana and Vukoje, Marina and Kulčar, Rahela |
Defence date: | 24 September 2021 |
Abstract in english: | Smart reactive materials change their properties in response to external factors such as temperature, pressure, light, pH, magnetic and electric fields, or exposure to moisture and chemical compounds. Thermochromic materials change their color according to temperature change. Thermochromic prints can be exposed to high temperatures during transport and storage. This exposure can cause permanent irreversible changes in the color of the print and thus affect its functionality. Therefore, in this work influence of temperature on stability of thermochromic print is tested. To determine functionality of thermochromic UV curable screen prints with different activation temperatures (12⁰C and 31⁰C) after exposure to high temperatures, a comparison of two tests at temperature extremes of 50 and 100⁰C was performed. The samples were exposed to a temperature of 50⁰C in the oven for 30 min, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h, and an extremely high temperature of 100⁰C for 30 min under the assumption that the thermochromic prints would not be exposed to the extreme temperature for a long time. Subsequently, colorimetric measurement and determination of color difference was performed using the CIEDE 2000 formula to determine the effect of temperature on the stability of the TC print. The obtained results show how the exposure of thermochromic ink at high temperatures affects the change of its colorimetric parameters and thus the functionality of the TC print. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | termokromne boje, temperaturna stabilnost, kolorimetrijska razlika u boji |
Keywords in english: | thermochromic inks, temperature stability, colour difference |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 75 |
Callnumber: | VUK 2021 HUZ |
Inventory number: | DB1012 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 11 Dec 2023 12:24 |
Last Modified: | 11 Dec 2023 12:24 |
URI: | |
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