Mazalik, Martina (2009) Primjena klasičnih alata kontrole u grafičkoj proizvodnji. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Milčić, Diana].
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Zbog povećanih zahtjeva tržišta i velike konkurentnosti među tiskarama danas se više pažnje pridaje kontroli kvalitete otisaka. Postoji više načina i metoda na koje se može kontrolirati kvaliteta otisaka dobivena u ofsetnom tisku. Kako bi se zadovoljili današnji standardi koristi se spektrofotometrijsko mjerenje. Rezultatima spektrofotomerijskog mjerenja dobiju se rezultati u L*a*b vrijednostima koje se onda uspoređuju sa danim standardom. U praktičnom dijelu završnog rada ispitivani su otisci na sjajnim premazanim papirima. Ispitivana je crna boja u tri mjerene zone. Korišteno je denzitometijsko mjerenje kojim su dobiveni rezultata prikazani histogramima. Izračunate su srednje vrijednost i standardne devijacije gustoće obojenja. Gustoće obojenja prikazane su linijskim dijagramima radi vizualne usporedbe podataka. Na osnovu toga doneseni su zaključci o kvaliteti ispitivanih otisaka.
Item Type: | Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme |
Mentor name: | Milčić, Diana |
Defence date: | 2009 |
Abstract in english: | Due to increased market demands and high competition among printers today, more attention has been paid to quality control of a print. There are several ways and methods that can be used to control the quality of prints obtained in offset printing. In order to meet the current standards spectrophotometric measurements are used. Spectrophotometric measurement results are obtained in the L *a* b values which are compared with a given standard. In the practical part of the final work, prints in glossy coated papers were examined. Black color was measured in the three areas. Densitometric measurement results were displayed by histogram. Mean value and standard deviation of color density were calculated. Mean of color density is shown in line diagrams for a visual comparison of data. Conclusions about the quality of the examined prints were made on the basis of these facts. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | kontrola kvalitete, histogram gustoće obojenja, standardna devijacija gustoće obojenja, srednja vrijednost gustoće obojenja |
Keywords in english: | quality control, histogram color density, standard deviation color density, mean of color density |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 36 |
Callnumber: | mil 2009 maz |
Inventory number: | Z16 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:41 |
Last Modified: | 21 May 2014 07:45 |
URI: | |
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