Ekološka valorizacija reciklacije otisaka

Hržić, Vlatka (2010) Ekološka valorizacija reciklacije otisaka. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bolanča, Zdenka].

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Papir je u današnje vrijeme svakodnevna ljudska potreba kojom smo okruženi, pa ga stoga uzimamo zdravo za gotovo. Negativna strana papira je to što se ljudska “glad“ za njim sve više i više povećava, a metode kojima se dobiva papir su jako štetne za okoliš. Većina svijetskih šuma je porušena kako bi udovoljili potrebi za papirom. Trenutno svjetska potraživanja za papirom i papirnim prerađevinama poništavaju svu korist reciklacije. Osim degradacije šuma, papirna industrija troši enormne količine energije i ima jako velik utjecaj na efekt staklenika, četvrti je veliki industrijski proizvođač ugljikovog dioksida, i odgovorna je za proizvodnju 9% svih stakleničkih plinova. Danas se sve više pažnje poklanja zaštiti čovjekova okoliša, a u skladu s tim recikliranje otpadnog papira je od velike važnosti, jer njime dolazi do racionalnijeg korištenja prirodnih resursa (šuma i energenata) i smanjenja količine krutog otpada (iskorištenih grafičkih proizvoda, prvenstveno novina i ambalaže). Svrha ovog rada je ekološki valorizirati maksimalna onečišćenja ekosustava tijekom životnog vijeka trajanja papira, te smanjenje onečišćenja reciklacijom.

Item Type: Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme
Mentor name: Bolanča, Zdenka
Defence date: 30 November 2010
Abstract in english: The paper is at the present time the daily human need that we are surrounded, and therefore we take it for granted. The negative side of the paper is that the human “hunger” for him more and more increases, a method that gets the paper are very harmful to the environment. Most of the world’s forest is destroyed to satisfy the need for paper. Currently the world claims to paper and paper products market reversed all the benefit of recycling. In addition to degradation of forests, paper industry consumes enormous amounts of energy and has a great impact on the greenhouse effect, the fourth is a large producer of industrial carbon dioxide emissions, and is responsible for producing 9% of all greenhouse gases. Today, more and more attention paid to protecting the environment, in accordance with the recycling of waste paper is of great importance because it leads to more rational use of natural resources (forests and energy) and reducing the amount of solid waste (spent printing products, mainly paper and packaging) . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the maximum environmental pollution of the ecosystem over the life of paper, and recycling and pollution reduction.
Uncontrolled Keywords: ekološko označavanje, reciklacija papira, ravnoteža CO2, teški metali
Keywords in english: environmental labeling, recycling of paper, the balance of CO2, heavy metals
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 56
Callnumber: bolz 2010 hržv
Inventory number: D873
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:43
Last Modified: 06 May 2014 09:28
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1201

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