Brdar, Ana-Marija (2011) Dizajn ambalaže za djecu. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].
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Posljednjih godina sve više pažnje se pridaje ambalaži za dječije (između 5 i 13 godina) proizvode. Uslijed informacijskog doba javio se fenomen KGOY (kids grow old younger) tj. djeca odrastaju vrlo mlada, informiranija su i povezanija od bilo koje druge generacije u povijesti. U skladu s tim žele sami sudjelovati u odabiru onoga što im se nudi i suvremena ambalaža ne može se najvećim dijelom obraćati njihovim roditeljima jer se situacija promijenila i djeca su najčešće ta koja utječu na finalni odabir. Svrha stvaranja kvalitetne ambalaže i brandova jest zadovoljavanje dječijih potreba kao što su sigurnost, komfor, edukacija i zabava. Ovaj rad se bavi problematikom izrade kvalitetne, primjerene, potpune i privlačne ambalaže za dječije proizvode, te problematikom izgradnje kvalitetnog i dugotrajnog branda. U sklopu rada je napravljeno istraživanje koje je pokazalo da je boja (koja se smatra jednim od glavnih faktora privlačnosti ambalaže, pogotovo dječije) bitna, ali da se kod dječije ambalaže može dogoditi i to da ona nema učinak za koji se mislilo da će imati (što nas upućuje na česte paradokse koji se javljaju u problematici dizajniranja proizvoda za djecu). Istraživanje je pokazalo i to da djeca jako obraćaju pažnju na poznate likove koji se pojavljuju na ambalaži (iz crtanih i igranih filmova, serija itd.).
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Pibernik, Jesenka |
Defence date: | 7 March 2011 |
Abstract in english: | In the last few years a lot of attention is given to the subject of designing packaging for kids (between 5 and 12 years old). In the last decade a phenomena called KGOY (kids grow old younger) is encountered. Nowadays kids are more informed and more linked than any other generation before them in history. And it is natural that now they want to be participants in the decision making and modern packaging cannot adress only their parents anymore. The situation is changed and now kids are the ones who have the final word. The point of making quality packaging and brands is to fulfill childrens needs like safety, comfort, education and fun. In this work the problems of making quality, complete and appealing packaging and building a quality and longlasting brand are elaborated. A reaserch which is done for this work has shown that color (which is considered to be one of the main factor of attraction) is important, but when dealing with packaging for kids it can happen that it doesn’t have the imapact that is expected. Which leads us to the fact that working with packaging for kids means working with lots of paradoxes. The reaserch has also shown that kids very much appeal to familiar characters (cartoon, movie or series characters) if they are incorporated in packaging design. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ambalaža, djeca, dizajn, brand |
Keywords in english: | packaging, children, design, brand |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 61 |
Callnumber: | pib 2011 brd |
Inventory number: | DB21 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:43 |
Last Modified: | 30 Apr 2014 10:28 |
URI: | |
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