Šimunić, Nenad (2012) Dizajn knjiga. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].
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Knjiga je prijenosni spremnik znanja i kao takva postoji već stoljećima. Samom procesu dizajna knjige može se pristupiti na različite načine, a koji ćemo od pristupa odabrati ovisi o namjeni knjige kao i o osobnim sklonostima dizajnera. Prije samog pristupa oblikovanju knjige potrebno je odabrati format i veličinu, zatim mrežu koja odgovara vrsti knjige, podijeliti knjigu na manje, sastavne dijelove te odlučiti o pismu i vizualnim pomagalima (ilustracije, grafovi, fotografije…). Nakon dijeljenja knjige i stvaranja plana rasporeda, moguće je pristupiti prijelomu sadržaja. Nakon prijeloma i dodavanja svih dopunskih informacija u knjižni blok, oblikuju se korice knjige te se definiraju elementi tih korica. U isto vrijeme usklađujemo poruku na naslovnici sa sadržajem knjige i na kraju dobivamo gotov dizajnirani proizvod.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Pibernik, Jesenka |
Defence date: | 1 March 2012 |
Abstract in english: | Book is a mobile knowledge container and as such it exists for centuries. Book design can be approached in many different ways and which approach will be undertaken depends solely on the purpose of the book and designer’s personal preferences. Before comencing with the book design we have to choose format and size, an appropriate grid depending on the book type, dissolve the book on smaller, integral elements and make decisions regarding the type and visual aids (illustrations, graphs, photos...). After we construct a book and create a flatplan, we can proceed with the layout of the book. After we finish the layout we can add additional information and turn to cover design and defining all the elements we need to put on it, at the same time coordinating the message on the cover with the contents of the book. At the end of this process, we have a finished designed product. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | dizajn knjiga, mreža, grafičko oblikovanje, prijelom, korice, naslovnica |
Keywords in english: | book design, grid, graphic design, layout, jacket, cover |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 64 |
Callnumber: | pib 2012 šim |
Inventory number: | D977 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:45 |
Last Modified: | 24 Apr 2014 07:37 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1316 |
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