Kvaliteta digitalnih otisaka uvjetovana starenjem tiskovne podloge

Majnarić, Igor (2004) Kvaliteta digitalnih otisaka uvjetovana starenjem tiskovne podloge. Master's thesis - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bolanča, Stanislav].

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Papir, najviše korištena tiskovna podloga u tiskarstvu, podložan je mnogim degradacijskim promjenama. U tim procesima sudjeluju reakcije kisele i alkalne hidrolize, oksidacije ili pak termolize. Najčešća reakcija je ipak hidrolitička degradacija molekula celuloze, kao najvažnije konstitucijske specije u građi papira. Spomenuti mehanizmi izmjenjuju se u procesu prirodnog starenja. Premda individualne vrijednosti ovih reakcija variraju, pretpostavlja se da su vrijednosti degradacijskih procesa povezane s temperaturom. Stoga se smatra da bi rezultati ubrzanog starenja mogli koristiti za stvaranje zaključka o mehanizmu i zakonitostima u uvjetima prirodnog starenja. Takav pristup omogućava praćenje i studiranje posljedica spomenutih pojava na papiru kao i na otisku. Tiskovne podloge uvrštene u istraživanje su: papir za umjetnički tisak, naravni papir i reciklirani papir. Za otiskivanje su korištene slijedeće tehnike otiskivanja: elektrofotografija (Indigo E-print 1000, Xerox DC 50) i Ink Jet (Epson 1200+). Papiri i otisci ubrzano su ostareni. Daljnja istraživanja raena su na novim otiscima, ubrzano ostarenim i otiscima načinjenim na papiru koji je prethodno ubrzano ostaren. Praćena je kvaliteta reprodukcije, te mehanička i optička svojstva otisaka. Kolorne vrijednosti 100% otisnutih procesnih boja (CMY) starenjem se takoer smanjuju. Promjene su najuočljivije na Ink Jet i Xerox otiscima što je specijalno naglašeno na papirima za umjetnički tisak. Vizualnom kontrolom “metodom prosječnog promatrača” potvrđeni su aparativno dobiveni rezultati. Istraživanja su u znanstvenom pogledu doprinos pojašnjenju optičkih i mehaničkih promjena, te kvalitete reprodukcije u funkciji starenja. Istraživanja su interesantna i u primjeni, posebno u povećanju kvalitete određenog grafičkog proizvoda.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Pre-Bologna programme
Mentor name: Bolanča, Stanislav
Defence date: 2004
Abstract in english: Paper the most often used substrate in printing, is subjected to many degradation changes. In these processes many alkaline hydrolysis, oxidations or thermoysis participate. The most often reaction is the hydrolytic degradation of the cellulose molecules as the most important constituent species in the paper structure. The mentioned mechanisms interchange in the process of natural ageing. Although the individual values of theses reactions vary, it is supposed that the values of the degradation process are combined with temperature. Because of that it is believed that the results of the accelerated ageing could be useful for creation the conclusion about the mechanism and lawfulness in the conditions of the mentioned phenomena on paper as well as on print. Printing substrates used in investigations are: fine art paper, natural paper and recycled paper. Following printing techniques were used for printing: electrophotography (Indigo E-print 1000, Xerox DC50) and Ink Jet (Epson 1200+) papers and prints were accelerated aged. Further investigations were performed on the new prints accelerated aged and on the prints made on paper which was accelerated aged before. The qualities of the reproduction, mechanical and optical properties of prints were monitored. Color values of 100% of the printed process colors (CMY) decrease also by ageing. The changes are the most visible on Ink Jet and Xerox prints, which is specially stressed on fine art papers. By visual control, by the method of an average observer the obtained results were confirmed by apparatuses. In the scientific sense the investigations are the contribution to the explanation of the optical and mechanical changes and the quality of reproduction in the function of ageing. The investigations are interesting in the application, especially in the quality increase of the determined graphic product.
Uncontrolled Keywords: digitalni tisak, ubrzano starenje tiskovne podloge, kolorimetrijske karakteristike otisaka, mehanička svojstva otisaka
Keywords in english: digital printing, accelerated ageing of the printing substrate, colorimetric characteristics of the prints, mechanical properties of prints
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 132
Callnumber: 655.39 maj m
Inventory number: 7512
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:47
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2014 11:06
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1461

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