Miljković, Petar (2004) Prijedlozi i dopune CIP4 standardizacije integriranja proizvodnih tijekova novinske proizvodnje. Master's thesis - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Žiljak, Vilko].
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Tema ovog magistarskog rada je prijedlog i dopuna standardizacije proizvodnih tijekova u novinskoj proizvodnji većim udjelom digitalne tehnike na svim zglobovima protoka informacija. U radu se nastoji ukazati na nedovoljnu integraciju u primjeni automatiziranog rada kao i mogućnost njegovog savladavanja sa primjenom digitalnog načina komunikacije uz primjenu XML tehnologije. Osnovni zadatak svakog planiranja proizvodnje je osigurati nesmetani proizvodni tijek s jasnim parametrima proizvodnje. U današnjoj grafičkoj industriji u pravilu se ne susrećemo s jedinstvenom proizvodnom cjelinom, pa se posljedično tome u stručnoj literaturi to pripisuje pojmu "proizvodni otoci"17 [4], [4a]. Proces proizvodnje ne izvršava se digitalnim zapisom koji bi se nadzirao s jednog upravljačkog mjesta, integrirajući tako resurse i slobodne proizvodne kapacitete u neprekinuti radni tijek [5]. Proizvodnja dnevnih publikacija ne započinje u odjelima montaže i kopiranja, nego u prostorijama marketinga -prodajom i rasporedom oglasnog prostora koji se naknadno integrira s osnovnim listom. Manageri marketinga stvaraju izgled lista s naručiteljem oglasa za svaki list zasebno ili prodajom oglasnog prostora na dulje razdoblje. Međunarodna organizacija Ifra18 je na konferenciji u Brighton19 (Engleska) predstavila proces automatizacije u pripremnoj fazi izrade publikacije [6]. Kvalitetnija proizvodna učinkovitost ostvaruje se mrežnom integracijom svih proizvodnih faza rada koje su usmjerene prema finalizaciji proizvoda. JDF, kao novi predloženi standard komunikacije opisuje proizvodne faze i sve procese za izvršenje radnih zadataka. XML nezavisni proširivi markerski jezik podupire JDF protokol20 novom koncepcijom na području upravljanja. Prilagodba sistema s obzirom na posebnost djelatnosti, integrira automatizaciju informacija i poboljšava učinkovitost poslovanja. Novinska proizvodnja u današnjim uvjetima skraćenih rokova proizvodnje i terminima distribucije u većini slučajeva prilagođena je novim predloženim rješenjima te se stoga u tom segmentu proizvodnje (za sada) ne predviđaju značajnije promjene [7]. Konzorcij CIP4 odustao je od pretjeranog nametanja novog načina upravljanja radi specifičnosti proizvodnje i ne malog broja marketinških oglasa u jednom izdanju dnevnih novina. Ovim znanstvenim radom nastoji se potpomognuti izgradnji informatičkog integriranja procese novinske proizvodnje kao i doprinos razvoju i unapređenju grafičke tehnologije općenito.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Žiljak, Vilko |
Thesis Committee: | Agić, Darko and Lovreček, Mladen and Sabati, Zvonimir and Koren, Antun and Žiljak, Vilko and Kropar-Vančina, Vesna and Barić, Vinko |
Defence date: | 11 May 2004 |
Abstract in english: | The topic of this master thesis is the proposal and supplement to standardization of production courses in newspaper production by the larger share of digital technique on all the joints of the flow of information. The work tries to point to insufficieant integration in the application of automated work as well as to the possibility of its conquering by means of the application of digital way of communication with the application of XML technology. The basic task of every production planning is to provide for free production flow with clear parameters of production. In present graphic industry, as a rule, we do not meet the integral production whole, and as a consequence, the technical literature ascribes that to the concept of “production islands”21 . Process of production is not executed by means of a digital recording which would be controlled from one control point, integrating so the resources and free production capacities into a continuous working course. The production of daily publications does not start in the departments of editing and copying, but in the premises of marketing – by means of the sales and distribution of advertising space which will be subsequently integrated with the basic publication. Marketing managers produce the appearance of the publication with the orderers of advertisement for every paper separately or by the sales of advertising space for a longer period of time. International organization Ifra22 presented at the conference at Brighton23 (England) the process of automaton in the pre-press phase of creating a publication. The production efficiency of a higher quality is realised through the network integration of all production stages of the work which are directed to the finalization of the products. JDF, as a new proposed standard of communication describes production stages and all the processes for executing the working tasks. XML independent extensible marker language is supported by JDF protocol24 with a new concept at the domain of management. The adjustment of the system with regard to the specificity of the activity, integrates automation of information and improves the efficiency of operations. Newspaper production in present conditions of the shortened times of production and the times of distribution in the most of the cases is adjusted to new proposed solutions and at that production segment, therefore, no considerable changes are (for present) foreseen. The Consortium CIP4 gave up the excessive imposing of a new way of management due to specificity of production and a considerable number of marketing advertisements in one issue of a daily papers. In this expected scientific work, the efforts have been made to support building up of information integration process of newspaper production as well as also the contribution to the development and improvement of graphic technology in general. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | novinska proizvodnja, radni tijek proizvodnje (workflow), protok informacija, nezavisni formati povezivanja (JDF), CIP3/PPF prijelazni stadij povezivanja prema CIP4, CIP4 konzorcij kao krovna institucija, XML – tehnologija |
Keywords in english: | newspaper production, production workflow, flow of information, job definition format, CIP3/PPF transition stage of connection to CIP4, consortium as an umbrella institution, XML – technology |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 148 |
Callnumber: | 070.3:005 milj m |
Inventory number: | 8054 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:47 |
Last Modified: | 14 May 2014 10:17 |
URI: | |
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