Dizajn web stranice za promociju glazbe

Bradarić, Tomislav (2014) Dizajn web stranice za promociju glazbe. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].


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Web dizajn kao sredstvo komunikacije igra značajnu ulogu u promociji glazbe. Masovna produkcija web stranica nameće pitanje hijerarhije važnosti vizualnog i glazbenog identiteta. Kulturalni značaj web dizajna najčešće je određen njegovom pozicijom u protoku simboličkog ili financijskog kapitala. Cilj ne bi trebala biti, barem ne isključivo, proizvodnja estetike ili korisnosti, nego proizvodnja smisla, a rezultat bi trebao riješiti više problema nego što ih stvara. Dobra promocija ne može „lošu“ glazbu učiniti dobrom, ali može bitno pomoći u realizaciji punog potencijala iste. U teorijskom dijelu obrađene su tehničke značajke i načela dobrog web dizajna koji je danas na zavidnoj razini i u estetskom i u tehnološkom smislu. U praktičnom dijelu objašnjen je način stvaranja jedne web stranice korištenjem HTML i CSS tehnologija. Opravdanje cilja istraživanja potkrijepljeno je formom anketa.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Pibernik, Jesenka
Defence date: 5 March 2014
Abstract in english: Web design as a means of communication plays a significant role in the promotion of music. Mass production of websites raises the question of the importance of the hierarchy of visual and musical identity. The cultural importance of web design is usually determined by its position in the flow of symbolic or financial capital. The aim of web design should not be, at least not exclusively, production of aesthetics or usefulness, but the production of meaning, and the result should solve more problems than it creates. Good promotion cannot make 'bad' music to be good, but it can significantly help with the realization of the full potential of the same. The theoretical part of thesis covers the technical features and principles of good web design, which is now at a high level in aesthetic and technological terms. In the practical part is discussed how to create a single web page using HTML and CSS technologies. Justification objective research is supported by the survey form.
Uncontrolled Keywords: web stranica, web dizajn, društvena mreža, vizualni identitet, glazbeni identitet, promocija, upotrebljivost, estetika
Keywords in english: Web Design, Social Network, Visual Identity, Musical Identity, Promotion, Usability, Aesthetics
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakutet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 46
Callnumber: pib 2014 bra
Inventory number: DB320
Depositing User: Dora Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2014 09:11
Last Modified: 15 Apr 2014 09:11
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1492

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