Ambalaža danas

Štefanac, Dalibor (2013) Ambalaža danas. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Babić, Darko].

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Ambalaţa se upotrebljava od rane povijesti čovječanstva, te oduvijek ima značajnu ulogu u zaštiti i promociji proizvoda ili robe. Osnovni ambalaţni oblici razvijeni su početkom prošlog stoljeća, te su se zadrţali u uporabi do danas. MeĎutim, moderan način ţivota zahtijeva i prilagodbu ambalaţe novim zahtjevima trţišta pa ne začuĎuje da danas susrećemo puno raznovrsnije oblike čiji je utjecaj na ukupnu kvalitetu proizvoda značajniji nego u prošlosti. Povećana konkurencija, tehnološke inovacije i sve veći negativni utjecaj na okoliš samo su neki od faktora koji se moraju uzeti u obzir prilikom projektiranja ambalaţe da bi ona mogla obavljati svoju funkciju u moderno vrijeme. Osim prilagodbi koje se odnose na tehnološke trendove, vaţno je prilagoditi ambalaţu i svijesti čovjeka. Sve je bolje shvaćen sloţeni mentalni proces kupovine, pa se i utjecaj ambalaţe na odluku o kupnji moţe puno bolje iskoristiti. Pravilno prikupljanje informacija je najvaţnije za efikasno projektiranje ambalaţe, što se ostvaruje istraţivanjem trţišta. Budući da je u moderno vrijeme trţište vrlo dinamično i promjenjivo, vaţno je da i istraţivanja budu redovita te da daju jasne rezultate.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Babić, Darko
Defence date: 18 September 2013
Abstract in english: Packaging is used since the early history of mankind, and has always had a significant role in the protection and promotion of products or goods. Basic forms of packaging were developed early in the last century, and they remained in use until today. However, the modern way of life requires adaptation of packaging to the new market demands so it is not surprising that today we face a lot of diverse forms whose impact on the overall product quality is more important than in the past. Increased competition, technological innovation and increasing negative impact on the environment are just some of the factors that must be taken into account when designing the packaging so that it could perform its function in the modern time. In addition to adjustments relating to technological trends, it is important to adapt the packaging to the human consciousness. Modern science, such as cognitive psychology and marketing have enabled better accommodate customer's personal experience. Complex mental process of purchase is understood better and better, so the impact of packaging on the decision to purchase has much better use. Proper collection of information is critical to the efficient design of packaging, which is achieved by market research. Since in modern times the market is very dynamic and changing, it is important that research is regular and that it gives clear results.
Uncontrolled Keywords: ambalaža, materijal, održivost
Keywords in english: packaging, material, sustainability
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakutet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 65
Callnumber: bab 2013 šte
Inventory number: DB275
Depositing User: Dora Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2014 09:16
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2014 09:16

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