Meke, Sonja (2013) Ovisnost čvrstoće valovitog kartona o sadržaju vlage. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Babić, Darko].
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Ambalaža od valovitog kartona koja se koristi u distribuciji voca i povrca susrece se na svom distribucijskom putu od proizvodaca do potrošaca s vrlo promjenjivim uvjetima relativne vlažnosti zraka i temperature okoline. Distribucijski put podrazumijeva najcešce dulji boravak voca i povrca u razlicitim hladnjacama pri prijevozu i skladištenju, te kratkotrajno izlaganje vanjskim atmosferskim uvjetima pri pretovaru. Radi ocuvanja kvalitete voca i povrca, u hladnjacama su niske temperature zraka i visoka relativna vlažnost. Takvi parametri okoline s obzirom na higroskopna svojstva valovitog kartona imaju izrazito nepovoljan utjecaj na njegova mehanicka svojstva, a posebno tlacnu bridnu cvrstocu valovitog kartona, ECT. Papirna ambalaža u uvjetima visoke relativne vlažnosti zraka upija odnosno apsorbira vlagu iz zraka kako bi se dovela u ravnotežno stanje sa okolinom. U skladu s temom rada ispitivala se ovisnost cvrstoce peteroslojnih valovitih kartona o sadržaju vlage. Ispitivani uzorci su kondicionirani tijekom 24 sata u razlicitim uvjetima relativne vlažnosti zraka i temperature nakon cega se mjerio sadržaj vlage u valovitom kartonu i vrijednosti tlacne bridne cvrstoce, ECT. Rezultati istraživanja su obradeni pomocu statisticke metode regresijske analize. Istraživanje je potvrdilo negativnu vezu izmedu vrijednosti ECT-a i sadržaja vlage u valovitom kartonu. Takoder kroz rad se potvrdilo da osim sadržaja vlage na vrijednosti tlacne cvrstoce valovitog kartona veliki utjecaj imaju vrste i kvaliteta slojeva iz kojeg je valoviti karton proizveden.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Babić, Darko |
Defence date: | 10 September 2013 |
Abstract in english: | Corrugated cardboard packaging which is used in the distribution of fruit and vegetables, during the transport of products between manufacturer and consumers was exposed to the various atmospheric conditions, like relative humidity and air temperature. Distribution channel usually refers to a longer stay of fruits and vegetables in a variety of refrigerated vehicles during transport as well as refrigerated storages. And also includes short-term exposures to outdoor atmospheric conditions when reloading. To preserve the quality of fruits and vegetables, combination of low temperature with high relative humidity was maintained inside refrigerated vehicles. Such environmental parameters with respect to hygroscopic properties of corrugated cardboard packaging (they absorb water readily) having an extremely adverse effect on its mechanical properties, especially to the compression strength of corrugated cardboard, ECT. Paper packaging in conditions of high relative humidity absorbs moisture in order to achieve equilibrium with the surrounding air. In accordance with the subject of this paper, different double wall corrugated cardboards were tested and the dependence of strength was explored in correlation to the moisture content of the double wall corrugated cardboards. Tested samples were conditioned for 24 hours in various conditions of relative humidity and temperature after which was measured the moisture content of corrugated cardboard and its compressive strength, ECT (Edge Crush Test). The results of testing were presented using the statistical method of regression analysis. The research confirmed a negative relationship between the value of ECT and the moisture content of corrugated cardboard. Moreover, throughout the paper was confirmed that in addition to the moisture content of the corrugated board a big impact on its strength characteristics also bears the quality of of corrugated case materials used in the production of the corrugated cardboard. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ambalaža, peteroslojni valoviti karton, tlačna bridna čvrstoća ECT, relativna vlažnost zraka, transport voća i povrća, regresijska analiza, sadržaj vlage u valovitom kartonu, slojevi valovitog kartona, bridna čvrstoća BCT, mehanička svojstva valovitog kartona, histereza papira, utjecaj vlage na čvrstoću valovitog kartona |
Keywords in english: | packaging, double wall corrugated cardboard, compressive strength ECT, relative humidity, transport of fruit and vegetables, regression analysis, the moisture content of corrugated cardboard, cardboard case materials, BCT strength, mechanical properties of corrugated cardboard, hysteresis effect of the paper, the influence of moisture on the corrugated cardboard strength properties |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 59 |
Callnumber: | bab 2013 mek |
Inventory number: | D1044 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 17 Apr 2014 11:52 |
Last Modified: | 17 Apr 2014 11:52 |
URI: | |
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