Horvatić, Maja (2013) Usporedba totalnog upravljanja kvalitetom i šest sigme te njihova primjena u grafičkoj industriji. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Milčić, Diana].
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U suvremenim organizacijama teţi se postizanju što veće kvalitete proizvoda i usluga uz što manje troškove proizvodnje, a samim time i postizanju veće profitabilnosti organizacije. Za ostvarenje tog cilja, odnosno za postizanje poslovne izvrsnosti nuţna je primjena sustava za upravljanje kvalitetom te njihova uspješna implementacija u organizacijski sustav. S obzirom da zadovoljstvo kupaca postaje mjera za kvalitetu, suvremeni pristup kvaliteti odnosi se ne samo na kvalitetu konaĉnog proizvoda već i na sve funkcije poslovanja. U radu su opisani sustavi Totalnog upravljanja kvalitetom (eng. Total Quality Management- TQM) i Šest sigme (eng. Six Sigma- 6σ), a popratno su predstavljene i karakteristike standarda ISO 9000 koji po svemu sudeći predstavlja dobru bazu za implementiranje navedenih sustava. S obzirom da se opisane metodologije TQM i Šest sigma vrlo ĉesto ne interpretiraju na pravi naĉin, poseban dio rada posvećen je njihovoj usporedbi. Kljuĉni doprinos rada nalazi se u prikazu rezultata istraţivanja primjene obje metodologije u grafiĉkoj industriji na podruĉju Republike Hrvatske, kao i primjena standarda ISO 9000. Iz analize rezultata vidljivo je da implementacija TQM-a i Šest sigme u Hrvatskoj još uvijek ne postoji, a vidljivo je da i posjedovanje certifikata prema normi ISO 9001 nije na zavidnoj razini.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Milčić, Diana |
Defence date: | 7 March 2013 |
Abstract in english: | The tendency in modern organizations is to achieve maximum quality of the products and services at minimum costs of production which means at the same time achieving greater profitability of the organization. In order to realize this goal, i.e. to achieve business excellence it is necessary to apply the quality management system and to implement it successfully in the organization system. Since the customers’ satisfaction becomes the measure for quality, a modern approach to quality refers not only to the quality of the finished product but rather also to all the functions of business operation. The paper describes the systems of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma (6σ). It also presents the characteristics of the ISO 9000 standard which seems to represent a good base for the implementation of the mentioned systems. Since the described methodologies TQM and Six Sigma are rarely interpreted in the correct manner, a special part of the paper is dedicated to their comparison. The key contribution of the paper lies in the presentation of the research results of the implementation of both methodologies in graphical industry in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the application of the ISO 9000 standard. The analysis of the results shows that the implementation of TQM and Six Sigma in Croatia is still absent, and it may be seen that even the ownership of certificates according to ISO 9001 standard fails to be at a desired level. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom, TQM, Šest sigma, ISO 9000 |
Keywords in english: | quality management systems, TQM, Six Sigma, ISO 9000 |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 66 |
Callnumber: | mil 2013 hor |
Inventory number: | D1019 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 17 Apr 2014 12:33 |
Last Modified: | 17 Apr 2014 12:33 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1643 |
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