Martinez, Nikola (2013) Mehanička svojstva premazanih papira za revijalni tisak. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Lozo, Branka].
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Papiri koji su namijenjeni tisku u rotacijama moraju zadovoljiti određene kriterije mehaničke otpornosti budući da su tijekom tiska izloženi različitim naprezanjima. Najvažnije mehaničko svojstvo koje papiri za tisak u rotacijama moraju zadovoljiti jest otpornost prema kidanju, to jest, opterećenju na vlak. Otpornost prema kidanju je izraženija u uzdužnom smjeru tijeka vlakanaca, to jest, u smjeru namatanja trake papira, a to je ujedno i smjer tiska. Osim ovog svojstva, vrlo važno je da papiri budu otporni i na cijepanje, to jest, na smicanje do kojega najčešće dolazi na mjestu nekog bočnog oštećenja trake papira. Iz toga proizlazi da je otpornost prema cijepanju izraženija u poprečnom smjeru tijeka vlakanaca to jest, okomito na smjer tiska iz role. Osim ovih najvažnijih mehaničkih svojstava, vrlo je važno da papiri za tisak u rotacijama nemaju ni preveliku gramaturu niti debljinu. Ovi zahtjevi su posebno važni kod premazanih papira kojima sam premaz doprinosi porastu gramature i debljine, a to je upravo slučaj s papirima za revijalni tisak. U diplomskom radu će se ispitati mehanička ali i ostala svojstva nekoliko različitih premazanih papira za revijalni tisak te ukazati na njihove različitosti i specifičnosti.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Lozo, Branka |
Defence date: | 31 October 2013 |
Abstract in english: | Papers that are intended for print rotations must fulfill certain criteria of mechanical resistance since they are exposed to various stresses during press. The most important mechanical property that paper for printing rotations must satisfy is tear resistance, i.e., encumber to tow. Tear resistance is more pronounced in the longitudinal direction of the fiber flow, i.e. in the direction of winding stripes of paper, which is also the direction of the press. In addition to this property, it is important that papers are resistant to splitting i.e., the shear that usually occurs at the site of a damaged side strips of paper. From this follows that the resistance to splitting is pronounced in the transverse direction of fiber flow i.e. perpendicular to the direction of printing of rolls. In addition to these important mechanical properties, it is very important that papers for printing rotations do not have too much weight and thickness. These requirements are particularly important for coated paper where coating contributes to the increase of weight and thickness, and this is a precisely the case with papers for printing revue. The thesis will examine the mechanical and other properties of a number of different coated papers for printing revue and point out their differences and peculiarities. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Papir za rotacijski revijalni tisak, Premazani papir,, Mehanička svojstva premazanih papira, Gramatura Debljina papira |
Keywords in english: | papers for rotary printing revue, coated paper, mechanical properties of coated paper, paper weight, paper thickness |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 48 |
Callnumber: | loz 2013 mar |
Inventory number: | D1067 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 17 Apr 2014 13:49 |
Last Modified: | 17 Apr 2014 13:49 |
URI: | |
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