Mogućnosti primjene op-arta u oblikovanju grafičkih proizvoda

Pintarić, Marijana (2013) Mogućnosti primjene op-arta u oblikovanju grafičkih proizvoda. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Mahović Poljaček, Sanja].

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Tema rada bazira se na op-artu, umjetničkom pokretu sredine 50ih i 60ih godina prošlog stoljeća, povezanom s optikom, fizičkim i psihološkim aspektom vida. Cijela figurativna umjetnost kroz povijest u određenom se smislu bavila optičkim iluzijama, a ono po čemu se op-art razlikuje je njegova doslijedna nefigurativnost, odnosno nereprezentativnost, te se prvenstveno povezuje s apstraktnom umjetnosti. Sastoji se od konstrukcija koje ovise o svjetlosti i pokretu, a načini stimulacije i nadraživanja ljudskog oka istražuju se u svim smjerovima znanosti, upotrebom novih materijala i postupaka. Rad sadržava opis, povijesni razvoj i strukturu umjetnosti te primjenu op-art elemenata u različitim aspektima komercijalnog života, od njegovog nastanka do današnje primjene u oblikovanju grafičkih proizvoda. Navedena je i opisana programska podrška za izradu takvih kompozicija, a alati poput Opartica Tunnel aplikacije i dobro poznatog Photoshopa i Illustratora iskorišteni su za izradu vlastitih op-art elemenata.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Mahović Poljaček, Sanja
Defence date: 19 September 2013
Abstract in english: The subject of this final work is based on op-art, artistic movement that took place in mid 50s and 60s of the last century, related to optics, physical and psihological visual aspect. Through history, the whole figurative art dealt with optical illusions in one way or another, but what makes the difference in op-art is it’s consistent non-figurative nature, in other words it is unrepresentable and related to abstract art. It’s consistent of constructions that depend on the light and movement. Ways to simulate and irritate human eye are explored in every aspect in science using new materials and procedures. This work contains description, historical development, op-art structure and the use of it’s elements in different aspects of commercial life, from the beginning untill todays use in forming graphic elements. Also, software for creating souch compositions is listed and described, tools like Opartica Tunnel application and well known Photoshop and Illustrator are used to create our own op-art elements.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Op-art, Vasarely, Albers, Riley, Chubb, Cornsweet, figure-ground, interakcija boje, op-art dizajn interijera, op-art moda, op-art programska podrška, tipografija, optičke iluzije, moma, tate, opartica
Keywords in english: Op-art, Vasarely, Albers, Chubb, Cornsweet, figure-ground, interaction of color, op-art interior designm op-art fashion, op-art software, typography, optical illusion, moma, tate, opartica
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakutet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 37
Callnumber: mah 2013 pin
Inventory number: Z424
Depositing User: Dora Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 22 Apr 2014 13:46
Last Modified: 22 Apr 2014 13:46

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