Kubat, Nenad (2011) Deformacija rasterskog elementa u tisku malih naklada. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].
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Kvaliteta grafičkog proizvoda postavlja se na sve važnije mjesto u procesu proizvodnje grafičkog proizvoda, jer o njoj, uz još neke čimbenike, ovisi ugled tiskare i njezina konkurentnost na tržištu. Tiskare koje visoko kotiraju na tržištu su velike tiskare i najčešće tiskaju velike i vrlo velike naklade. S druge strane, male tiskare, koje tiskaju male naklade, trebaju se boriti kako bi opstale. Upravo zbog toga, kvaliteta otisaka jedan je od ključnih elemenata konkurentskih sposobnosti njihovih proizvoda. U Hrvatskoj se kontrola kvalitete provodi tek u nekim većim tiskarama, dok u malim tiskarama kvaliteta otisaka je nedovoljno visoka i često varira, a kontrola se najčešće ne provodi. Stoga se ovaj rad bavi kontrolom kvalitete otisaka otisnutih u maloj nakladi, tehnikom ofsetnog tiska, na jednobojnom stroju te u relativno malom tiskarskom pogonu. Mjerenja na otiscima obavljena su spektrofotometrom, a mjeren je prirast rastertonskih vrijednosti, relativni tiskovni kontrast, sivoća boje te pogreška tona.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Zjakić, Igor |
Defence date: | 4 October 2011 |
Abstract in english: | Quality of graphic products is allocated on much more important place in graphic production process, because the quality is one of the factors that reputation of printing house and her competitiveness in the market. depends on. Big printing houses mostly print big editions, have remarkable reputation and cover wide band in market. Otherwise, small printing houses, which print small editions, must fight for subsistence. Therefore, the quality of prints is one of the key factors of competitive elements of their products. In Croatia the quality control is spent only in few big printing houses, while in small printing houses the quality is not enough high and often variate, and the control is not spent overall. Te researches in this work are refered to quality control. Prints that were used are made in small edition, with offset print technology, on one-color machine and in relatively small printing house. Dot gain, relative printing contrast, greyness and hue error measurings were done spectrophotometrically. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ofsetni tisak, prirast rastertonskih vrijednosti, CIELAB sustav boja, RTV, raster |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 70 |
Callnumber: | zja 2011 kub |
Inventory number: | D942 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 02 May 2014 10:30 |
Last Modified: | 02 May 2014 10:30 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1914 |
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