Gašljević, Ines (2011) Standardizacija objektivnosti kvalitete novinskog tiska. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].
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Cilj istraţivanja ovog diplomskog rada jest analizirati koliko prirast RTV pojedine boje u novinskom tisku utječe na konačanu kvalitetu i izgled otiska te doţivljaj tog otiska sa strane prosječnog čovjeka. Za potrebe istraţivanja u grafičkoj su se pripremi pomicali parametri krivulje RTV za svaku boju posebno: cijan, magentu i ţutu, kako bi simulirali prirast. Dobiveni otisci su mjereni a zatim i analizirani kod prosječne populacije te smo na taj način dobili subjektivne i objektivne rezultate. Na taj način rezultate moţemo usporediti i analizirati te vidjeti do koje granice moţemo tolerirati prirast u tisku a da te vrijednosti dobivene na otisku ne utječu na vizualno predočenje prosječne populacije. U teorijskom dijelu ukratko je obuhvaćena povijest plošnog odnosno nastanak ofsetnog tiska, zatim princip ofsetnog tiska i rad ofsetnog stroja za tisak iz arka. Više paţnje posvećeno je ofsetnoj rotaciji i njenoj graĎi. Poznavanje konstrukcije i glavnih dijelova stroja te svojstva papira koji se koristi, izuzetno je bitno jer svaka od tih stvaki ukoliko nije podešena u okviru nekih standardiziranih paprametra utječe na kvalitetu otiska.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Zjakić, Igor |
Defence date: | 7 March 2011 |
Abstract in english: | The aim of this research is to analyze how much dot gain for the each color in the newspaper press affects the final quality of prints. Also the work investigates how average person percieve newspaper prints if are they out of recommended standards. Researched dot gain was artificially simulated. In prepress the parameters of dot gain curves were determined for each color separately: cyan, magenta and yellow. Also a research was conducted on a sample of 22 people to see how they perceive newspaper prints with dot gain growth. The result values were analized and results can be compared according to tolerances of dot gain and visual perception of average population. Theoretical part include history and development of offset printing. More attention has been given to newspaper printing machines. Knowledge of the structure and major parts of the machine, as well as properties of paper are extremely important. All of these items if they are not in standard boundaries, extremely affect on the quality of prints. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | plošni tisak, ofsetne rotacije, gustoća obojenja, prirast rastertonskih vrijednosti, kontrola kvalitete tiska |
Keywords in english: | Offset Printing, Offset Printing Maschines, Color Density, Dot Gain, Quality Control |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 55 |
Callnumber: | zja 2011 gaš |
Inventory number: | D885 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 02 May 2014 10:33 |
Last Modified: | 02 May 2014 10:33 |
URI: | |
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