Fotografija djece

Maras, Eva (2014) Fotografija djece. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].


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Fotografija djece spada u specifično područje portretne fotografije. Iziskuje tehničke kao i kompozicijske zahtjeve koji su vezani uz rakurs snimanja. Ta vrsta fotografije zauzima posebno mjesto u umjetničkoj fotografiji, a za njom ne zaostaje ni značaj reklamne fotografije. Fotografiranje djece zahtjeva mnogo strpljivosti te se pri fotografiranju uvelike obraća pažnja na svjetlost i sjene. Kod male djece se koriste isključivo prirodna i blaga svjetla te se isključuje snimanje sa bljeskalicom. Kod samog snimanja se svakom djetetu pristupa različito zbog individualnih karaktera, ali se svima maksimalno prilagode uvjeti kako bi snimanje bilo što opuštenije i uspješnije. Kroz završni rad se teoretski razrađuju pristupi fotografije djece, kako s tehničkog, tako i sa sintaktičkog aspekta. Temeljem teoretskih razmatranja u praktičnom se dijelu rade, snimaju i analiziraju autorske fotografije djece.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Defence date: 18 September 2014
Abstract in english: Children's photography is a specific area of portrait photography. It requires both technical and compositional requirements related to the camera angle shooting. This type of photography has a special place in art photography, and there is no less important advertising photography. Photographing children requires a lot of patience and when photographing lot of attention has been paid to light and shadow. Natural and mild light is alway used when taking picture of babies and small children. There is a different approach at every photoshooting because every child is special with it's character, but the terms are fully adjusted to every child which results in great photographs. Through the final work approach is theoretically elaborating to the photography of children, both from a technical as well as from a syntactical point of view. Based on theoretical considerations in the practical part of work, original photos of children are being taken and analyzed.
Uncontrolled Keywords: fotografija, dječji portreti, kompozicija, svjetlost, snimanje
Keywords in english: photography, children's portraits, composition, light, photoshooting
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 40
Callnumber: mik 2014 mar
Inventory number: Z532
Depositing User: Antonia Grgurović
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 22 Sep 2014 11:53
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2014 11:53

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