Interakcija elektromagnetskog zračenja i tiskovne podloge

Janković, Matea (2015) Interakcija elektromagnetskog zračenja i tiskovne podloge. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Džimbeg-Malčić, Vesna].


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Svjetlost, kada pada na objekt, s tim objektom i interagira. Dolazi do pojava koje su uvjetovane sastavom i svojstvima svjetlosti i objekta. Interakcije o kojima govorimo su pojave apsorpcije, refleksije i transmisije, a njihovi koeficijenti su svojstva promatranog objekta. Interakcije svjetlosti i materije su jedan od glavnih uzroka obojenja tijela kojeg promatramo, a koji je ovdje predstavljen kao tiskovna podloga i tiskarska boja, odnosno otisak. Kako bismo otiske mogli analizirati u praksi, razvijene su teorije koje uzimaju u obzir utjecaj apsorpcije i / ili raspršenja na tijelo koje se promatra, to jest prikazuju sustav u kojem dolazi samo do apsorpcije (Beer – Lambert sustav) i sustav u kojem su apsorpcija i raspršenje (Kubelka – Munk sustav). Analiza se radi pomoću gustoće slike koja je izvedena iz takvih sustava. Boju, koju vidimo kao rezultat navedenih interakcija, možemo identificirati po krivuljama spektralne refleksije koje prikazuju postotak refleksije na svakoj valnoj duljini spektra vidljivog zračenja.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Džimbeg-Malčić, Vesna
Defence date: 16 September 2015
Abstract in english: When light touches the object their interaction begins. That leads to phenomenon’s which depend on structure and properties of light and matter in question. Interactions that we are talking about are those of absorption, reflection and transmission, and their coefficients are properties of the observed object. The light – matter interactions are one of the main causes of color appearance of the objects, which in this case are printing substrates and printing inks. There are two major theories that make possible analyzing them in practice. Those theories take into account absorption and / or scattering of light. In other words, they represent a system in which there is only absorption (Beer – Lambert system) and the one in which we have both absorption and scattering (Kubelka – Munk system). The print analysis is done with picture density, which is derived from equations of these systems. Color, which we see as the result of already mentioned interactions, we can identify by their curves of spectral reflectance. They are showing the relation of reflection percentage on the certain wave lengths of the visible spectrum.
Uncontrolled Keywords: svjetlost, materija, apsorpcija, refleksija, transmisija, boja
Keywords in english: light, matter, absorption, reflection, transmission, color
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 28
Callnumber: mal 2015 jan
Inventory number: Z664
Depositing User: Antonia Grgurović
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2015 11:07
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2015 11:07

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