Hajdek, Krunoslav (2016) Akromatske reprodukcije uvjetovane pojavnošću pozadinskih efekata = Achromatic reproductions conditioned with appearance of background effects. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mrvac, Nikola].
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Suvremeno multimedijsko okruženje zahtijeva sve veći broj inovativnih dizajnerskih rješenja. Istovremeno ta ista rješenja uzrokuju niz poteškoća prilikom reprodukcijskih procesa, koja se očituju u neželjenom pomaku pojavnosti boja. Navedene poteškoće i neželjeni pomaci u pojavnosti boja u velikoj mjeri su uzrokovani efektima simultanog kontrasta i nabiranja koji izazivaju pomak pojavnosti boje nekog stimulusa. U okviru istraživanja provedena je analiza intenziteta pozadinskih efekata simultanog kontrasta i nabiranja kroz postupak samog podešavanja tiskarskog procesa koji je po svojoj prirodi istovjetan metodi ugađanja koja se kao tehnika koristi pri procjeni veličine stimulusa ili njegovog pomaka. Za potrebe istraživanja kreirani su testni uzorci, temeljeni na akromatskim (desaturiranim i jednobojnim) pravokutnim figurama. Isti su reproducirani na dvije različite tiskovne podloge. Vrijednosti pomaka pojavnosti boja u odnosu na referentne vrijednosti određene su metodom ugađanja po principu Stevensove skale produkcije/procjene odnosa. Za vizualno ocjenjivanje korišteno je simultano binokularno usuglašavanje. Intenziteti efekata prikazani su izračunima statističkih razlika u boji ΔE00, a pomak pojavnosti boje statističkim razlikama percepcijskih atributa boje - promjenom svjetline ΔL00 (akromatski i desatuirani uzorci), tona ΔH00 i kromatičnosti ΔC00 (desaturirani uzorci). Na osnovi rezultata dobivenih istraživanjima dane su smjernice za otiskivanje i oblikovanje grafičkih proizvoda u situacijama kada se može očekivati manifestacija pozadinskih efekata (simultanog kontrasta i nabiranja) koja bi mogla utjecati na kvalitativne parametre grafičkog proizvoda.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Mrvac, Nikola |
Thesis Committee: | Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav and Parac-Osterman, Đurđica and Matijević, Mile and Lazić, Ladislav |
Defence date: | 28 June 2016 |
Abstract in english: | The modern multimedia environment requires a growing number of innovative design solutions. At the same time, those solutions cause a number of difficulties during the reproduction processes, which are reflected in an unwanted shift in the manifestation of colours. The stated difficulties and unwanted shifts in the manifestation of colours are largely caused by the effects of induction and crispening that cause a shift in the manifestation of the colour of a certain stimulus. Within the research, an analysis of the intensity of the background effects of simultaneous contrast and crispening was carried out through the process of the adjustment of the printing process, which is by its nature identical to the method of adjustment that is used as a technique when estimating the size of the stimulus or its shift. For the purposes of this research, test samples based on achromatic (desaturated and monochromatic) rectangular figures were created. They were reproduced on two different printing substrates. The value of the shift in the manifestation of colours in relation to the reference values are determined by the method of tuning according to the principle of the Stevens' scale of the production/estimation of the relation. As a technique of visual evaluation, simultaneous binocular harmonization was used. The intensities of the effects are presented through the calculations of statistical differences in the colour ΔE00, while the shift of colour is presented through the statistical differences of the perceptual attributes of colour - the change of lightness ΔL00 (achromatic and desaturated samples), the tone ΔH00, and chromaticity ΔC00 (desaturated samples). Based on the results obtained in the research, what is provided are the guidelines for the printing and design of graphic products in situations where a manifestation of background effects (simultaneous contrast and crispening) that could affect the qualitative parameters of graphic products is expected. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Simultani kontrast, nabiranje, grafička reprodukcija, vizualna psihofizika |
Keywords in english: | Simultaneous contrast, crispening, graphic reproduction, visual psychophysics |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 369 |
Callnumber: | 655.2 HAJ a |
Inventory number: | 10159 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 23 Aug 2016 11:09 |
Last Modified: | 23 Aug 2016 11:09 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2512 |
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