Visković, Jakov (2016) Analiza ilustracija Gustava Dorea. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Jurković, Vanda].
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U radu je kroz pismenu analizu i slikovne primjere dan prikaz njegova razvoja kao umjetnika od prvotnih humorističkih karikatura do njegove emancipacije kao velikog ilustratora. Posebno su analizirana njegova najveća ilustratorska dostignuća što su nesumnjivo bile ilustracije poznatih književnih djela renesansnih pisaca i Biblije. Nadalje, u radu su istaknuti veličina i uloga koju su njegovi ilustratorski radovi imali na suvremenike i daljnji razvoj ilustratorske umjetnosti nakon njega. U radu su iznesene neke od mnogobrojnih kritika njegovih suvremenika slikara, pisaca i umjetničkih kritičara koje su išle od omalovaţavanja do divljenja njegovu umjetničkom geniju. ObraĎeni su motivi koje je umjetnik koristio za svoja djela, posebno za ilustracije. Naglašeni su oni najvaţniji kroz koje se proslavio kao ilustrator. Premda je radio i po narudţbi, istaknuti su najčešći izvori inspiracije za djela koja su, kao kod mnogih njegovih suvremenika romantičara, uglavnom, u velikim povijesnim i religioznim knjiţevnim djelima, legendama i mitologiji. Grafičkim elementima, posebno igrom svjetla i tame i crno bijelim kontrastom stvarao je vizualne predodžbe svojih motiva koji produbljuju dojmove i pobuđuju maštu kod promatrača. Iz rada bjelodano proizlazi da je bio velikan ilustracije svojega doba velikog talenta, vještine i nenadmašne imaginacije. Istaknut je i obim njegova opusa koji je zaista impozantan iz čega je vidljiva njegova izuzetna stvaralačka energija i radni potencijal.
Item Type: | Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme |
Mentor name: | Jurković, Vanda |
Thesis Committee: | Jozić, Josip and Jurković, Vanda and Brozović, Maja |
Defence date: | 21 September 2016 |
Abstract in english: | Through the written analysis and image examples, the thesis gives an overview of his development as an artist from initial humorous cartoons to its emancipation as a great illustrator. Special attention was paid to his greates tillustration achievements which undoubtedly were illustrations of famous literary works of Renaissance writers and the Bible. Furthermore, the thesis emphasizes the greatness and the impact that his illustration works had on his contemporaries and the further development of the illustration art after him. The paper presents some of many criticisms from his contemporary painters, writers and art critics who went from contempt to admiration for his artistic genius. The motives that the artist used for his works, especially for illustrations, were studied. Pronounced are the most important ones through which he became famous as an illustrator. Although he also worked by order, the most prominent sources of inspiration for his works were, like many of his contemporaries romantics, mainly in major historical and religious literary works, legends and mythology. With graphic elements, especially the play of light and dark and black and white contrast he created visual representations of his motives to deepen impressions and excite the imagination of the viewer. The thesis clearly shows that he was a giant of illustration in his time, of great talent, skills and imagination. It is emphasize that the scope of his work is really impressive from which his extraordinary creative energy and labor potential is visible. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ilustracija, grafika, slikarstvo, umjetnički motivi |
Keywords in english: | illustration, graphic, painting, art motives |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 39 |
Callnumber: | JUR 2016 VIS |
Inventory number: | Z761 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2016 11:28 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2016 11:28 |
URI: | |
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