Reklamna fotografija na ambalaži i njen utjecaj na odabir reklamnog proizvoda

Nižetić, Viktorija (2016) Reklamna fotografija na ambalaži i njen utjecaj na odabir reklamnog proizvoda. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].

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Reklame su sastavni dio oglašavanja i promoviranja proizvoda i usluga određenoj ciljanoj skupini, a cilj im je informirati i potaknuti ju na kupnju i konzumaciju istih. Budući da slikovni elementi poput ilustracija i fotografija prenose veći broj informacija i poruka, te zaokupljaju veću pozornost publike od npr. tekstualnih elemenata, postaju sve prisutniji u reklamama. U početcima je fotografija bila slabije zastupljena iz tehničkih razloga, no poboljšanjem reprodukcijskih procesa postala je dominantna na tom području. Fotografija ima veliku ulogu u prikazu željenih vrijednosti proizvoda i emocija koje sam proizvod izaziva kod potrošača prilikom kupnje. Fotografijom se može prikazati i kako će se korisnik osjećati konzumirajući proizvod, zbog čega je ona bitan faktor na ambalaži i reklami proizvoda. Reklamna fotografija je u današnje vrijeme prisutna u novinama, katalozima, letcima, internetu te na samoj ambalaži proizvoda. Nekada je svrha ambalaže bila samo zaštita proizvoda, no danas je ona gotovo najvažniji dio vizualnog identiteta nekog proizvoda. Uloga dizajnera je da na adekvatan način prezentira proizvod potrošaču, jer su upravo reklama i ambalaža ta koje mogu prodati loš ili uništiti dobar proizvod. Zbog gore navedenih razloga u ovom radu će se napraviti ispitivanje i usporedba vlastito dizajniranih ambalaža istog proizvoda jedne sa i jedne bez reklamne fotografije kako bi se bolje istražila uloga i njen utjecaj na kupce, te na samu prodaju proizvoda.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola
Defence date: 27 September 2016
Abstract in english: Advertisements are an integral part of the advertising and promotion of products and services to the specific target group and their goal is to inform and encourage them to buy and consume those products. Since the imaging elements such as illustrations and photographs convey much information and messages and occupy more attention than eg. textual elements, they are becoming increasingly common in advertising. In the early days the photography was less present for technical reasons, but with improvements in the reproduction process it has become dominant in this area. Photography has a major role in presentation of the desired values of the product and emotions that the product itself is causing to the consumers when buying. A photo can also display how the user feels when consuming the product, making it an important factor in the packaging and advertisement of the products. Advertising photography is nowadays present in newspapers, catalogues, flyers, the Internet and on the packaging itself. In the past the purpose of the package was only to protect the product, but nowadays it is almost the most important part of the visual identity of a product. The role of the designer is to adequately present the product to the consumer, because the advertisement and packaging are exactly those that can sell bad or destroy a good product. For the above reasons, this thesis will examine and compare a self-designed packagings of the same product once with and once without advertising photography in order to better examine its role and its impact on customers and the actual sale of the product.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Reklamna fotografija, reklama, ambalaţa, proizvod
Keywords in english: Advertising photography, advertising, packaging, product
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 61
Callnumber: MIK 2016 NIŽ
Inventory number: DB550
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2016 11:55
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2016 11:55

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